Although we had performed some sketches before that we had written separately, this was the first script we collaborated on (along with Mike Cosgrave and Rich Canning).
The song mentioned was a deliberately annoying dirge, which went something like "I wish I had invented penicillin. I really wish I had invented penicillin. I'd sing all day long I invented penicillin. I wouldn't have to worry cos I'd have invented penicillin"
Each verse was the same but wished a different thing. One was "I wish that I was Henry D Perky" and another was "I wish I knew pi to 17 decimal places".
I think I wrote that when I was 12!
The man drinking beer is a cross reference to a previous sketch which was a triple act called Spoon, Knife and Peterson, which was essentially a trad double act, except they had a man sitting drinking beer at the side of the stage.
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