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May news PS

And sorry to have missed this off, but it's important

You can get your name in this year's Edinburgh programme by donating £15 or more to SCOPE at
The more money you give, the bigger your name will appear in the poster. You will also be sent a limited edition signed programme when they are ready (email your address to after you have donated - even if you've sent me your address before).
Whatever name you put on the site will be the name that appears in the programme

If you or your business would like to take out an advert in the programme, either quarter, half or full page then email me at and I will let you know the costs. This programme is given out free to everyone who comes to see the show and will have a print run of at least 25000.

This year the grand total for money raised via the Edinburgh programmes has topped £250,000 (over 11 years). It makes such a difference to SCOPE and I'd love to keep raising money for them, so donate if you can.
Thanks so much and apologies for the second email
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