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Thursday 10th December 2009

I have really let my exercise regime slip in the last two or three months and the results are there for all to see. Hardly any of my clothes fit now. It is mildly depressing, especially withe Christmas coming up and little chance of immediately reversing the problem. But my fitness/weight seems to go in two year cycles, so doubtless in January I will get fed up and sort myself out again.
But I had a writing meeting up near Brondesbury Park this afternoon, which is a tasty three and a half miles from my house, so I thought I'd cycle there and back, which would make up for the fact that I didn't have time to go to the gym (it's another week with a very busy schedule and little opportunity to get into the final series of BSG).
On paper the ride looked pretty easy and I have driven up towards the Harrow Road many times and had not really thought of it as anything but fairly flat. I knew it would be a bit hilly at the end, but had not anticipated just how much of this journey was going to uphill. It was painful and hard, but ultimately probably rather good for me. I struggled onwards and upwards, stopping every now and again to catch my breath, then annoyingly taking a wrong turn, going about a mile out of my way, not realising I was close to a short cut to my destination from where I'd ended up and heading all the way back again. I think this 40 minute trek (including breaks and a couple of bits of walking) probably was as effective as a gym trip, though worried that I might be a bit sweaty and stinky for the people I'd be working with. Luckily the perspiration wasn't too bad. I am probably fitter than I think.
I did also have the prospect of the return trip, but suspected correctly that I would be able to freewheel for at least half of it. It took me twenty minutes to get home.
I was very much reminded of my teenage years, when my girlfriend had lived in the next town to me, Shipham, which was only two or three miles from my house, but at the top of a very steep and winding hill. The only way to get up to her if parents were not available to give us lifts was on my bike and I struggled up and down that mountain many times. I guess to the point where I got pretty fit and could do it without my heart feeling like it would explode. If only my present day girlfriend lived that far away up a hill, rather than in my house, I would probably get fit pretty fast.
Or maybe get sensible and drive.

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