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Tuesday 13th November 2007

I had the day off today. Which in truth means I did pretty much what I do when I am meant to be working, except I don't feel guilty at the end of the day when I have got nothing done.
I was a little delicate after a couple of glasses of wine last night (I have to play down the amount I am drinking because my mum is worried I am an alcoholic - so I am going to lie about how much I am drinking because that is the kind of thing an alcoholic would never do. In any case it's good to have a hobby) and tired after a weekend of working on the scripts. Maybe I should have made more of this stress free day, but I didn't step out of the front door, or even get dressed in any traditional sense of the word and just played poker online (won a bit) and watched TV. I didn't even really think about anything until about 6pm - I hadn't even read the paper -when I thought - "Oh my God, I have done nothing at all. What am I going to write about in Warming Up?" Of course I had a few hours to go out and do something exciting to keep my many readers entertained with my interesting and varied life. But I couldn't be arsed, so just slipped back into my poker/tv marathon and thought no more about it.
But it does make this ridiculous and redundant exercise all the more difficult when one has scarcely moved or spoken or interacted with another human being for 24 hours. Yet occasionally that is a useful and necessary thing to do.
But with less than two weeks to my 5th anniversary of writing this crap without missing a day it is a slight worry that suddenly my brain might dry up and I won't make it to that milestone. I guess I will probably get there now, as I'd really have to have some kind of brainstorm to give it all up in the next fortnight. You never know though. And then when I have got to half a decade I will have to decide what I am going to do. I suspect I will carry on as usual. I mean this won't be an impressive feat until I've got to ten years of daily blogging, right? Though the boozing will probably kill me before I get to that.
I am joking mum. The heroin will kill me long before the alcohol.

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