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Monday 13th March 2006

I haven't had my laptop for a couple of weeks as it's been away getting repaired. I had of course backed up my important documents, but was hoping that the repairs wouldn't require everything getting wiped as it's a hassle to have to reload all the programmes and chase up all the passwords and software keys (many of which I've lost). I've got lots to do and haven't got anywhere with it as usual so didn't really need the excuse to waste another day.
So it was with some trepidation that I turned on the computer. For a few seconds it seemed that my wishes might have come true as it hummed into life, but then alas and inevitably the screen changed and it was clear that the new software was loading up for the first time. All was not lost, but the day was going to be.
Yet in some ways it was quite nice to start with a clean slate. I had lost a few bits of software that I would never get back, but on the other hand some of the glitches I had been suffering with had now gone and it seemed a small price to pay for a fresh new start to my life.
It'd be nice if we could have such a feature on our non-existent souls. Once we'd soiled them with our disgusting acts of selfishness and depravity we could ship them off somewhere in Ireland (where I think my computer has been) and after a few days of it being lost in the post and waiting for them to remember to ring you up to get your credit card details your soul is returned to you all new and sparkly and with no memory of what you had subjected it to before. To be honest I would miss my soul a lot less than I missed my laptop. A fortnight without it was a living Hell. I hardly use my soul at all any more, but my laptop is with me most of the time and is everything to me. Even though it keeps going wrong and letting me down I still love it and welcome it back and feed it with all the information it needs to run properly.
And it's nice to get this occasional new beginning where everything is fresh and clean and you can hope and pretend that nothing will go wrong and that this day off loading on programmes will start up a new era of productivity. So if you're into getting that quite regularly then do invest in a Sony Vaio laptop because the last two I have had have done nothing but go wrong and force me to endure days like this. And I don't even get a wiped clean soul for my trouble.

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