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Friday 14th June 2024

I am away for four nights and will be away from the kids of Father's Day, which is a little bit sad. I took the kids to school this morning, hoping for a wholesome goodbye. I tried to get a sing song going, as singing in the car with my family is one of my childhood memories - I guess we had no radio back then and had to make our own entertainment. But it had been a small window where my older siblings were still uncool enough to do it. Back then I think we used to sing Beatles songs and stuff like that, but I realised this morning that my generation and my kids' one (even though they're the next generation they're a couple of generations away from me at least) have very few shared songs. Both kids knew that song that goes A B C D E forget you (and also know that those aren't the real words) and I can sing that bit too. Ernie wanted to sing skibidi toilet (if you don't know what that is just be glad) but neither of us knew it and the short journey descended into squabbles and pushing and I had to tell both kids off and it wasn't the farewell that I'd hoped for.
To the home of the King stealers today and as fortune would have it my accommodation in Leicester was right opposite the car park where Richard III was found. I didn't have time to visit the museum set up around this impossible discovery, but I still had the morning to do my stuff.
Touring is, I hardly needed to be reminded, quite a drag, aside from the bit when I am performing. I walked round Leicester looking for somewhere to get some dinner. The search for food is about 50% of the tour experience. The battle between Me1 and Me2 about whether that is healthy or sugar packed food is a big part of it. But I now debate if I should look for a restaurant and have something decent, alone or just find a Pret . The latter option usually wins and to be fair, it's possible to find something healthy there and I still get quite excited about going to Pret as part of the tour or podcasting experience. I guess that's not going to change now. I am what I am.
The gig was good - this is probably going to be the nicest leg of the tour as all the gigs have sold well and there's a few bigger theatres and they are all up with my favourites. Next month when it all becomes a bit more relentless and I am playing a succession of smaller towns that I don't usually go to, where audiences will be smaller, might bring on the blues a little.
But so far I am loving doing the show - it's getting better all the time and the second half is settling down. And it's just cool to be doing stand up again and proving I've still got it in me.
Back to my near royal accommodation which did look fit for a minor royal, though my room was right by the front door and I was woken through the night by rowdy guests arriving and slamming doors. So so far touring is failing to help me catch up on nine years of missed sleep.

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