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Tuesday 14th July 2020


Oh man alive, we've managed to book tickets to go to Willows so Ernie can finally see Mr Tod's house after 3 months of him asking every fucking day. I just know that Mr Tod's house will be closed, but at least he can look at it. I may beg them to open it just for him. I suspect he won't be able to hug Mr Tod either and probably not go on a tractor ride either, which are two and three on his wish list, so the trip will probably be very damaging for him. But it's a big step back to normality. And we have to make the most of this lull before the second wave turns up to kill even more of us.
Ally and Herring's Twitch of Fun rocketed up the charts to number 114 today. We need to do better than this. Please subscribe and make an 128 year old little boy's dreams come true.  
Thanks for the fun and funny reviews too.

Tonight, after a thrilling couple of snooker frames I chatted to the charming Dan Schreiber on his Instagram Live feed for his show “Show Us Your Shit”. I think it goes out as a podcast or something too. It ended up being an interview of over two hours in length, which was remarkable because I was very tired and looking forward to bed, but we were having fun and my online chats are my social life now. I had spent the morning looking for items to talk about with him and was actually a bit surprised about how little stuff I have. I thought of myself as a hoarder, but I don't have that many props (aside from puppets) and haven't bought myself any objets d'art, but I did find a few bits and bobs that I'd forgotten about, including a morph made by Peter Lord himself (his head has sadly fallen off in the box - Morph, not Peter) and a Jigsaw badge given to me by the one true love of my life Janet Ellis and my crumbling scrap book of every sketch I wrote and play I appeared in at University. It included the programme for Dirty Linen, which starred Bettany Hughes who will be my guest on RHLSTP on Wednesday night at 8pm I'd forgotten that my much missed friend Tony Brennan was also in that play (I was in Newfoundland, a play within the play so didn't really see too much of the rest of the cast at rehearsals). 
I missed my grandfather's funeral because it clashed with that play and my grandfather died in the same week as I lost my virginity (the two events were not directly connected) and got dumped by the woman who plucked my cherry, so that was an eventful fortnight for me. I expect all this will come up on the podcast.
I was pretty open and frank about everything that came up, so it was a good format for an interview.

Before my night of online work we'd put the kids to bed. My daughter is always keen to extend her bed time and came into our bedroom to inform us that she'd decided she wanted to sing her songs on stage and asked if she could be in one of my shows. I said we'd talk about it in the morning. She then returned a few minutes later, highly stressed to say she couldn't sleep because she was worried that the people at this (as yet unconfirmed) gig would throw fruit and vegetables at her. I loved the fact that she'd thought it through this much, but really she'd boiled performer anxiety right down to its bare essentials. I laughed for about two minutes at this and then had to reassure her that I wasn't laughing at her. She will go far. As long as that first audience haven't been to the greengrocers.

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