We're trying to teach Phoebe the importance of getting consent before you take a photo of someone, which is an admirable idea, but hard to work in practice. Because you don't want every photo to be posed and sometimes you want to capture a moment that will only last a moment and we've taken hundreds of photos of Phoebe without asking for consent.
As with most things in life, there is a grey area. I suppose the important thing is to try and make her understand when it's inappropriate to take photos and why it's definitely important to obtain consent as soon as possible and delete the photo if the person in it doesn't like it. And definitely before you post it anywhere.
Even that reasonable compromise is compromised by the fact that people clearly break that contract on a daily basis all over the internet (and newspapers - and probably before that, in oil paintings). But then we live in a world where all the moral and kind and polite things that we try to instil in our kids are daily broken by the people in charge.
Ah we're all fucked.
Anyway Phoebe took a photo of me without asking today and then used her phone skills to turn me into a stinky ogre (she has learned young the value of putting a shrek in it). Obviously this is the kind of thing we should be discouraging. But I loved it, even the stink lines and made it my Twitter profile pic.
Sure I am green but I have a fine hairstyle and beard. And when you love someone, you love it when they pay you attention. Even to imply you are a stinky Hulk.
Ernie has been busying himself for the last couple of days by writing out his five times table in a notebook. Not just up to 10x5. He's going to keep going until the book is full or until he has successfully managed to run out of numbers. I told him it was also useful to have a written record of the five times table, in case all computers and calculators stopped working. Scientists and mathematicians would have to come round to ours to consult Ernie's book. "Excuse me Ernie, what is 115x5?" Hold on, I'll get the book.
Phoebe was sceptical that they'd need to do this, but it's good to prepare for a world where all digital data is lost. It's 575, but that's not going to be of use to anyone when the internet breaks down.
Write it down in a book now. You won't regret it.
Ernie made a couple of mistakes, but luckily I spotted them and corrected them. I'd hate to think of NASA using this book for launch paramters and see their rocket crash into the sea
After the usual bright start, the kickstarter enters that familiar phase of doldrums. It's far from certain that we'll hit the target, but if we can keep it ticking along for the next fortnight then hopefully a late burst will get us over the line.
We've added a new top level for billionaires, which includes a chance to meet Right Bollock, appear in the video and get tickets to the filming. We're doing it in Stevenage, which is easily accessible from London and elsewhere as the theatre is opposite the train station.
But there's loads of lower levels and we only need about 400 more people to back us. Oh God that's a lot of people....