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Friday 15th June 2012

Congratulations to Prince Charles for becoming a Field Marshal, Admiral of the Fleet and Marshal of the Royal Air Force. He must be chuffed to bits on this amazing triumvirate of success. Most servicemen and women could never dream of even getting one of those honours, so to get all three and all in one go.... he's got to be over the moon.
I know some cynical republicans with an agenda might claim that he only got those accolades through nepotism, but frankly that's ridiculous. His mum must have been aware that people would say such things and her natural response would have been to not give him anything to stop such accusations. So the fact she's rebelled against that and given them to him anyway shows he has got them on merit. For all the brilliant army, navy and flying around stuff he has done. I bet he was punching the air when he got the news.
And even with that piece of evidence fresh in their brains I know some people reading this are still claiming that he's done nothing to deserve those titles and that the whole thing is a pathetic sham that you'd think any intelligent grown-up person would be embarrassed to be a part of, so I will have to give you further evidence of why you are wrong and why this is a remarkable day for a remarkable man - not just a man, but a universal soldier as happy in the water as he is on the land, or thousands of miles up in the air. His dad Prince Phillip also has the same three honours. Proof if proof be needsbe of the power of genetics. I don't hear anyone saying it's unfair now. Soldiering, sailoring and aircrafting are in that remarkable family's blood. To be honest they're so fucking good at everything connected with war I think we should just disband all the services immediately and make Charles, Phillip and Elizabeth (and maybe Andrew, but let's face it, not Edward) responsible for all of our defences. They could be like the Avengers.
It seems the government might have the same plan, as they seem to be slowly cutting down the defence budget, but in these times of austerity we have to rip the bandage off and put our Royals to work for us. If they are good enough to get these decorations then they are good enough to protect us.
I just hope Prince Charles does not listen to any of the nay-sayers who don't think he deserves to get the highest possible position in all three branches of the military. I'd hate him to be thinking, "Hold on, I'm a 63 year old man having special awards pinned on to me by my mum, whilst dressed up in fancy dress. This is about as meaningful as a mouse's fart. I should feel nothing but shame for going along with this pantomime. At least it wouldn't be quite as bad if I had done anything at all to deserve it."
I hope he will be thinking what he should be thinking which is "Yay! Look at me. With all my medals and stuff. I am brilliant. And if anyone doesn't think I am, then blllll to you. Ask my mum. She says I'm ace.... Mainly. Though she won't let me be King though. Do you think she's just trying to distract me with all this meaningless shit. No, it can't be that. I am brill!"
Armando Iannucci got a medal as well. I had no idea he was even related to the Royal Family.

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