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Monday 16th August 2010

I slept badly and when I did sleep had odd AIOTM based dreams, then got up early to try to get on with the script, but probably had my worst AIOTM day ever. Actually perhaps not. I have had Sundays where I got nothing done until the last minute, but then I had all morning and most of the afternoon of the Monday to rectify the problems. Tomorrow the cast will be coming round at 11. I need a script by then.
And it just wasn't happening at all.
I tried to jog to the bank to pay my charity money in, but despite being full of beans yesterday I was sluggish today and the heavy backpack weighed be down and the hills taunted me and I could only manage a walk.
Combined with this my imaginary girlfriend leaves for London just after the show and I wanted to spend some time with her, but with this sword of Damocles hanging over me it was hard to relax. We headed out for some Mexican food at 5.30 and I felt tired and worried about how much was ahead of me. And yet every time I sat down the screen would just stare back at me and very little was happening.
My brain is just not in an AIOTM (AIOTM) place after all this time off and with so much else to do and I am conscious that people will want to see the regular characters and yet feel that most of them have lived out their usefulness and I have nothing new to do with them.
After a slightly tired show (but where nonetheless over 300 people had turned up) I came back to try and work through the night. It would be ironic if my only all nighter of this Fringe involved me sitting in the lounge trying to think of something new for Tam Dalyell to say. I have got the script up to 11 pages, which is about half of what I need and I only have vague plans for a middle and an ending, but I think I will try and have some sleep and then work for a solid five hours at the other side of the morning. We will, I am sure, work out something that is acceptable to the fans of this show, but I hope they will appreciate the pressured and difficult circumstances under which it is being put together. There are still some tickets left if you wish to see the debacle, but you can listen for free at the usual places (hopefully by Tuesday evening). I think if I stay up all night then Christ on a Bike will also suffer and I don't want to get to a point of exhaustion from which I am unable to recuperate. So it's bed at 1.10am and up at 6am and let's hope that the elves or the magic mouse or dead Tiny Andrew Collings will do their stuff in my sleep and we can make it into a worthwhile event.
It's crazy because Andrew and me have been making up hour long shows all week, so maybe we can do the same with this, but AIOTM does need a bit more structure.
Emma Kennedy turned up at 4 and she seems to have some stuff she wants to talk about. And we will get kicked out when our hour is up, so maybe we can just have the pulling of all the plugs be the end. If Andrew Collings is involved in any way then the whole thing will probably break down anyway.
As long as Tetsell remembers the Haribo then I think we shall be fine.

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