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Saturday 17th April 2021


Bruce “Bruce” Bruce on Twitter tweeted me with a clip from a stone clearing episode from last year. I said, “If you thought 2020 was bad, 2021 has a little kick in the balls for you my friend.” Looks like I am Nostradamus after all - and this was before I had suspected anything might be wrong.

I felt pretty spritely during the morning dog walk, so I thought I'd risk attempting the 6km run. And aside from stopping for a few minutes to repair the Dominic Cummings Cairn and having to walk up the hill at the 5km mark, I managed to run all the way. It was slow (though not that slow compared to earlier in the year - though I would say I did it in about the same time as it took me to run 6 miles in 2014), but it's good to be returning to normal and I am hoping that in three or four months time I will be fitter than normal. 
It did take the wind out of my sails a bit later in the day and I closed my eyes whilst the kids watched Frozen 2 - not quite falling asleep, but having those weird semi-dreams you have when you are listening to something on TV.
Once the kids were in bed and we'd had some dinner I revived enough to watch a film, but once I lay down I was out like a light. 

As I may have said it's impossible to tell if the fatigue is down to recent medical procedures or just because I am a parent (and there is a third option that it's just because I am old and so need an afternoon nap). My tiredness maybe showed tonight as I made the kids their dinner. I noticed the dishwasher was nearly full, so determined to be super efficient, once I'd strained the peas I put the pan in the dishwasher and moved stuff around so I could get the colander in. Then I'd be able to set the thing off. I put the colander in the place I'd prepared, only then to realise that I hadn't yet taken the peas out of the colander. The dishwasher was full of peas (and there were many on the floor too. I scooped most of them up (after making another portion of peas), but it was annoying to have to waste time on this stupid mistake. I'd already had to clear up dog sick. Though that one wasn't directly my fault.
Those little moments of life that feel like a sitcom even when there isn't even an audience of one to witness them. You roll your eyes at yourself and then get on with the job of clearing up your mess and doing the job properly. How can we be so stupid? I don't know. But we are.
I am not sure that pea clearing is good enough to be a podcast (though I've had worse ideas that have gone on for a long time) and dog sick clearing is too dependent on having a sick dog (Wolfie rallied quickly). Hopefully stone clearing will continue.

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