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Wednesday 20th October 2010

For the second day in a row I fell asleep at about 3pm, like an old man having an afternoon nap, but I am just completely knackered. Suddenly being given four days to relax and not have to think about anything work related has prompted my brain to think it's time for a general shut down and fair enough. I have put my mind and body through the mill this year. I can't blame them for rebelling. Or maybe it's just this sudden over stimulation of the senses and fresh air that has got to me,
We still managed a couple of long walks through the town, though the latter of these was due to me taking a wrong turn after dinner and refusing to ask anyone directions. Because I am a man. But also because I can't read maps, because I am a woman. Yeah, take your stereotypes and consider them only 50% successful.
I last came to this beautiful city in 1993, not so long after it had thrown off the yoke of communism and before it had really embraced consumerism. It's not as cheap this time, but all the shops, as before, seem full of marionettes. I don't know how they manage to sell enough of these to justify every other outlet being packed with them, but somehow, people come to Prague and think they must get a puppet on strings. For what purpose I am not sure. I work in entertainment and think maybe I could get some use out of one, but then I think about it and realise I couldn't really. Back in 1993 I had just done Ra-Ra-Rasputin and almost bought a marionette version of the mad monk. This time there are none of those to be seen. Though there are a few Charlie Chaplins (not surprisingly the Czechs are not so keen on a puppet Hitler) and that is quite an achievement for Chaplin, I guess, that almost 100 years after he created the character of the Tramp it is still an instantly recognisable icon. I suspect it will be for some good time to come yet, probably even after the films are forgotten. NIce work Charlie. You will live down the ages and no doubt in 10,000 years time when our civilisation is a mystery to whoever will be on this planet then, they will imagine that images of Hitler and Chaplin are two representations of the same person. Who knows?
And speaking of tramps, the beggars here have their own individual way of asking for alms, lying prostrate on the floor with their head touching the ground, bowed in front of you, with hands outstretched holding a hat or tin. They all do it the same way, which is grimly interesting and led me to making a tasteless joke about not thinking much of the lazy human statues that they have here. But my girlfriend hit me for it, so I have been punished already. Strange that a town can develop its own style of begging, but I suppose that is what works here and it certainly makes you feel shame and guilt as you pass these seemingly penitent men and women.
I managed to resist the lure of alcohol, mainly because I just felt so drained already that I knew even one glass of beer would make me nod off. It seems my dryness will continue for now, unless my girlfriend's birthday tomorrow prompts a change of heart. So I have outdone my last crack at sobriety, though coincidentally enough am a long way from the record I set back in 1993, when I didn't drink from January 1st until mid-July.
I am enjoying myself nonetheless, but wish this was a 2 week holiday so I had some time to recharge the batteries as well.

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