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Wednesday 20th July 2016


I did a gig in a very hot tent in Cambridge tonight on Jesus Green. It went OK, but it was worth the rather fractious drive there just to see this beautiful city in the summer sunshine and its inhabitants chilling out and messing around in the park. Some were exercising or tight rope walking, others sitting back with a few beers, some just ambling along like me taking in the greenery and the history. I texted my wife and said we should come and live here (we haven't yet found a place to live or sold our house so everything is open to offers). It's a city with, in places, a village feel and it was incredibly relaxing to be there even just for a few minutes. 

Well done Cambridge. You are a tonic to the senses.

I can't believe that the labour party have managed to take in four and a half million pounds in revenue by having the genius idea of holding another vote for party leader and charging people £25 to take part. It almost makes you wonder if, having accepted that they are unelectable, they've thought "fuck it, let's try and make some money from this thing before we push it off the cliff for the insurance". What a wonderful advert for capitalism. Do you think they carefully selected Corbyn as someone who would appeal to the left, but terrify the centre left so they knew they could guarantee maximum contributions.

But fuck it, if the labour party can do this, then so can I. I have to ask the fans of RHLSTP, is Richard Herring the best person to present this show? I mean some people may think that his unprofessionalism is charming, but let's face it, with him at the helm this show is never going to be taken up by mainstream media. We need someone who can attract a mainstream audience like Jack Whitehall or Stewart Lee in the interview seat and then our podcast will get the success and recognition it deserves. If we continue to let Richard Herring present then all we have ahead of us are years of mediocre interviews, seen by only Die Hard fans (who won't enjoy it because of its lack of any actor from even Die Hard 4.0).

On the other hand will anyone else be able to ask respected TV personalities if they've ever tried to suck their own cock and tell them to put a shrek in their already popular shows.

So I am going to throw this open to a vote. Current mostly badge subscribers will obviously automatically get a say and their ballot papers are in the electronic post. But if you are not a member of the podcast badge wearing cult you can still have your say by making a one-off donation of £25 at It's your chance to have your say and to steer the podcast in the right direction at this difficult time. Make sure your voice is heard. You have 48 hours to donate. For the sake of common sense, please let's try and get this monster out of the seat that he has cheated his way into. At least let's get someone who would have asked David Cross to say what drug he was talking about

Talking of which:

RHLSTP with David Cross

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