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Saturday 21st July 2007

I left Montreal feeling rather more positive than yesterday. I think last night's gig had just got me down a bit and made me negative about the whole week, but it hasn't been that bad at all. But I was glad to be heading home. If we could just have done a Britcom on the Friday or Saturday night then it would have not felt like quite such an anti-climax, but instead most of the Brit-com boys were heading to the airport, whilst everyone else was gearing up for their Saturday night of fun.
To add insult to injury we were flying back on one of the oldest planes I have been on for a while, at least for a long haul flight. Whilst we had had a private video system and an ability to choose films on the way across, we noticed there were no screens in this plane and just one bigger screen at the front of the section. As we were at the back of the middle part of the plane we couldn't really see it. I couldn't remember the last plane I'd been on that didn't at least have closer monitors, but it was going to be annoying to not be able to even choose what to watch. I didn't mind that much as I was mainly hoping to sleep, but it didn't make me massively confident about the state of the plane, especially as one of the two toilets in our section was also out of order - the sign said "temporarily", though unless they planned to fix it during the flight this was a slightly unnecessary piece of information for us.
The old plane creaked and strained as it headed up the runway. "Been nice knowing you," I told John Maloney. But luckily the old rustbucket got off the ground.
I had had a couple of beers in the airport with Stephen K Amos and as soon as the seatbelt signs were off I rushed up the aisle to get to the one toilet first and despite the distance and having to cross to the other toilet I made it.
The sign encouraging you not to put non-toilet based objects into the loo made me laugh. It was a big hand throwing a variety of items into the bowl with a cross through it, but the objects seemed unlikely. It looked like a bar of soap (plausible, though why would you want to throw that away) a cloth (possibly a handkerchief, again could happen, just about), but then a glass and a wine bottle. Who, I wondered, would even think of trying to dispose of a wine bottle down the small hole of an aeroplane toilet? Even one of the small airplane bottles would have difficulty fitting down there and surely most people would just let the stewards take away their empties, rather than smuggling them into the loo to try and stuff them into the bog. But then maybe that's what had happened in the other lavatory and so they'd had to put the sign up to stop it happening again.
After dinner and a large bloody Mary, I thought about trying to watch the film, which from the great distance I was away from it appeared to be "Road Hogs", but there were people's heads in the way and I was tired and it was "Road Hogs", so I went to sleep.

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