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Tuesday 23rd September 2003

Pavla's been back in touch. This is the last time I'm going to talk about her, but I'll let you read the email she sent to find out the next part of her exciting story,

"Hi Rich,

thanks for your mail again.

I don't mind if you want to write about my story on your website.Even more when somebody likes that and can take a advice from it.

But I have to tell you everything changed.

I was sitting in my bedroom on Sunday night and suddenly got a message. ~How are you doing beauty?Long time haven't seen you.IM back in London when Im gonna see you again?Miss you xxx Sergio~

I thought It's just a bad joke and asked him for his SWEET GIRLFRIEND!

I got immediately other txt Where he promised he doesn't have anyone and just arrived to Gatwick airport, coming back from his holiday in Spain.

Could you imagine how shocked I was?

So I don't understand who was that histerical girl and why she was trying to upset me???

Anyway we arranged a date for a next day.

We were talking a lot and I thought how lucky girl Im because I was feeling ~happy???~

At least I found him.

But afretwards things changed and we got somewhere Where I really didn't want to be.

I was very confused and maybe a bit dissapointed?

It was yesterday and still don't have any message from him and Im sure won't have any more because he got what he wanted and that's it.

It doesn't hurts and Im not sad about that. Quite glad it happened because I know now he can't be the prince of my dreams:@}

But I met very nice guy thanks my adds and just a time will show what's gonna happen...

So that's it, maybe you are interesting about this crazy story and if you want to hear some more, just let me know.

Since September somebody up there is playing naughty game with me and always when I think everything is just a shit, Sun starts to shine again a somebody or something just cheers me up.

Anyway, thanks for reading this and let me know if somebody likes that.

All the best


So there we go, the woman who rang up saying she was Sergio's girlfriend was either a crank call or had got the wrong Sergio (I thought it was odd that she'd managed to work it out) and Sergio had just been away. So he managed to have his wicked way (I would guess reading between the lines) and then hasn't been in touch again (give him a chance, he might just have gone on holiday again). But never ming because some unscrupulous man has taken it on himself to get in touch with Pavla thanks to her advertising campaign and has used her grief to wheedle his way into her heart (and maybe more!).
No, it wasn't me.
My interest in Pavla was purely journalistic. The thought never even crossed my mind.
So it seems that the story has veered from romantic to tragic, back to romantic to sleazy to slightly suspect but hopefully romantic again, all in the space of a few days.
Nice as it's been to have these updates I feel a bit like the agony aunt at Jackie magazine must have done and I'm not sure I want to know anymore about the shifting affections of a twenty-something girl any more.
Last week she loved Sergio so much that she was prepared to wage a potentially humiliating campaign to find him. This week she's been out with him, decided he's no good and is with someone else.
It seems to devalue the original gesture a little bit, but I wish her luck in her quest for love. My suspicion is that it is going to be some time until she finds it.
But I will let the rest of her life story pass by without further comment on this website.
It's a shame that we can't hear Sergio's side of the story. I suggest he mounts a poster campaign of his own.
And while he's at it, he could put up a few of my (I mean not my, I don't know who has made them) new "We Will Rock You" posters -

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