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Saturday 27th July 2024


We went back to the W5 (narrowly avoiding getting caught up in the gay pride march) to play some arcade games and ten pin bowling. Phoebe beat me, but lost to her Nana and was again inconsolable (briefly). Where does she get this from?

The trip home was a bit less stressful than the journey out (mainly because we only got toe Luton Airport at the end). We were early, got through security pretty easily (in spite of the family in front of us seemingly having brought all their possessions with them as hand luggage) and Ernie setting off the machine and having to be searched (which was a good adventure for him).

I was again recognised by a man in the departures area. He said to me "I love your programmes" which I thought was a weird way to put it, if he genuinely knew who I was. Then he made a little motorbike handle gesture with his hand. I am pretty sure he'd mistaken me for Charley Boorman, but of course there was also a chance that he was a fan of the motorcycle clothing sketch. You decide.

The Easy Jet cabin crew were checking the size of everyone's hand luggage and my ruck sack was much too big (though my father-in-law had no name luggage at all, so we could have divided things up). Luckily I just put the bag on top of the size checker and mimed pushing it in and then just walked through. I mean, who cares? No one saw or if they did, could not be arsed.

There was room for my bag, though someone was sitting in one of our seats, but the mix up was quickly resolved. Ernie was captivated by the sights out of the windows (for some reason we had two portholes by our seats) and so was I. I still find it crazy that I can do a wee so far above the world's surface. Sometimes I even use the toilet.

Good to be home, even though we've hardly been away. After the kids were in bed we watched Ghost (you can see where the Ghosts team got their crazy ideas -they hardly even changed the name), which is a terrific film. The only bit I can fault is Patrick Swayze's reaction to seeing his murdered being sucked of to Hell. It's more mild disgust than horror or surprise. Otherwise good work. It's the first time I've watched this since Swayze actually became a ghost. I bet he gets ribbed a lot by the other ghosts. 

He was about 57 and a month old when he died, so in a few days he's another person that I will have lived longer than. One day I'll overtake all of you fuckers.

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