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Sunday 27th August 2017


A couple of hours of packing and cleaning were the perfect set up to the eight hour journey home. We emptied the freezer and Phoebe got an ice lolly at 10.45, which is the closest she will get to her dream of lollies for breakfast (until she's 50 and can have lollies when she wants).
I had quite fancied doing all 380ish miles myself, but after the first four hours I felt very much like going to sleep, so my wife took over for a while. The car was packed with stuff and we couldn't see out of the back window, but on the plus side, not many people were driving south on they Bank Holiday Sunday and the way was clear. Not only had I avoided doing the final Sunday at the Fringe (and the final Monday) but I had also avoided bank holiday traffic. And now we are living in Hertfordshire the route is pretty much, get on the A1 and keep going til you're home. It was a relief to not have to do those extra 20 miles into the city (and probably extra hour of driving).
After the respite of not driving and a mini-nap, where I was woken by my daughter shouting “daddy” when she realised I'd nodded off (despite no one having woken her up when she slept for ages - hypocrite), I was able to do the last 130 miles. All this at the end of 25 days of performances was not easy, but we weren't in a rush and it was good to be coming home. Well not quite home, as the new house is still not ready, so we are a family without a solid base, but return to my in-laws. We are keen to get settled for our new arrival, so hopefully there will be no more delays.
Edinburgh already felt like a dream and it was hard to remember that it was still going on and that but for a request to have my day off at the end, we would still be there. And some would still be performing on the Monday too. The Edinburgh Fringe only feels real when you're in the midst of it. And for all I know it is only real when you're in the midst of it. Prove me wrong. The Flat-Earthers are with me.
There are many new adventures and much stress to come before 2017 is over, both personally and no doubt on an international level (though I don't believe that anywhere except where I am exists, so I am fine). 
I felt glad to have made it back to our temporary home. Not as glad as my daughter who was squealing with delight at being back at Nana's house and still full of energy even though it was about an hour past her bed time.
Thanks again to everyone who came to the shows.

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