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Tuesday 27th August 2019


Great start to the day when an attempt to reach for my phone lead to me activating my touch-activated bedside light which then kept flicking on and off because something was touching it, annoying my wife, causing me to attempt to move it to stop it lighting up and instead knocking it off the table, smashing it and creating a sound that woke my son. It was about 5.30am. 
But I've been up at this time every day for at least a week and this time, at least this time I woke up my son and showed him how annoying it was. So I was the real winner here.
Great to wake up in my own bed though. And be smashing my own possessions.
Apparently our weekend of cleaning the rental flat paid off as we had our full deposit returned (despite owning up to breaking a bowl and a plate)! Woo hoo!
We went round to the in-laws for lunch and to pick up the dog who was so excited to see us that she jumped up and scratched my arm and bowled Ernie over in quite an alarming run-based nudge. Ernie was fine though. It must be weird trying to work out what had happened over the last month for Wolfie. Had we died? Does she even understand that concept? Had we abandoned her forever? Luckily she loves my parents-in-law and has spent a fair deal of her life going between the two houses, but her giddiness at seeing us again suggested she thought that we had all been lost to her.
Later I would take her up to the field for a long-awaited stone clear. I didn't know if the crop would have been harvested yet, or if the field would be ploughed or if my stones would have crawled back on to the field. It turned out that the wheat had been cut down and the ground was littered with straw which made it very hard to see any stones. I got a few out and battled to retrieve one that was reluctant to be pulled from the stocean. Somehow in the struggle I managed to turn off the recording and so ended up walking home, talking to myself for no reason. The podcast is not very funny, but surely it is funnier to imagine me carrying it on oblivious to the fact that I am no longer a ground-breaking (literally) podcaster, but just a madman moving stones and commentating to myself.
Now for some snooker..

The RHLSTP tour gets underway VERY soon. I booked a couple more guest today. Joining me on the 19th September in Leicester will be Grace Petrie and on the 22nd September in Bristol will be Mark Olver (though I think that one has now sold out)
Also got Simon Evans in Brighton on 15th September and Tape Face in Richmond on 29th September - there will be another guest at all those shows too. All tour dates and deets are here.

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