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Thursday 28th January 2021

My son thinks that a high five is called a hand five. What a fucking idiot. Personally I blame the teachers.
I'm not going to tell him. If he wants to look like a fool then so be it.

Home schooling was a little less maddening today, with Phoebe engaging with the maths work which she found pretty easy (and me cleverly instituting a timed race every time she had to go up and get something from the printer) and then some writing work, which she did pretty well at. Though new writers' attempts at spelling do show how confusing and stupid the English language is. I agree cave should be spelled cayv personally). And it makes no sense that you pronounce have one way and save another. Come on England, let's get some consistency. Are you deliberately just trying to make it hard for anyone else to speak our language? That's the reason it's failed to take hold around the world.
Still not as complicated as Mandarin. No one can possibly learn to speak that nonsense.
My daughter descended into the jumper she was wearing and said that this was her "thinking cave". If only her thinking cave could let her know how to spell cave.
She only gets frustrated when she doesn't get something right straight away, even though there were 3 slots on the spelling sheet so that she could keep having goes if she got it wrong. I told her that mistakes didn't matter, but she clearly felt they did and tried to correct the first attempt rather than try again. I recognise this characteristic, though maybe it's human rather than just Herring. She doesn't realise that it's some sort of miracle that she's learned to read and write at all.
How did that screaming baby that I met yesterday gain the ability to write? And how is she practically six? It's been quite a ride.
When I was six, I was clever as clever. I hoped I'd say six forever and ever.
Goal achieved.

In the non-childcare bits I attempted to prep for Twitch of Fun, though was feeling uninspired. But I don't know why I worried because the puppets always seem to come up with stuff that I am not expecting and today I spontaneously started getting messages in my imaginary ear piece from the producer up in the gallery. And that's why I enjoy this show. All the best things in it seem to appear out of nowhere and it is evolving in front of the eyes of the audience.
How much of it is a real breakdown and how much is artifice? I know the ear piece isn't real, but what about the noises that only I could hear for the first 20 minutes?
As with all my more esoteric projects I am glad that the lines seem blurred, even to me. I think I am in control. But I would think that if I wasn't.
We were having a family zoom at 8pm that I was going to join after the show and my wife said I could keep things short. I said that I would try, but it wasn't up to me how all the puppets behaved (indeed we ended up doing over an hour). She looked at me as if I was crazy. But she's the crazy one if she thinks I can stop the King of the World in his tracks.

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