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Sunday 3rd December 2006

Andrew Collings is very excited about his "pretend podcast". 6Music used to put highlights of our paper review on their podcast, but then Russell Brand came to the station and the whole thing went to him. Even though he has gone now, we're still not on the official podcast and due to some regulation or other (made up by 6Music bosses to get Collings off their back, I am sure) they are only allowed one podcast.
So Collings has set up his own "podcast" of our segment. It's not really a podcast, as you can't download it on to you MP3 player, but if you want to listen to the bits where we chat and not have to troubled by all the other stuff Andrew does in the show, or any of the music, then you are now able to do that by clicking on one of the links on here.
Also if you listen to the show or just our bit of it, you will see how much weight he gives to listeners of the "podcast", above the people actually tuning into the show. It's like he's doing it for the internet folk and not the digital radio owning fans of his entire programme. This week he's going to count up how many people listen to the "podcast", so make a little boy's dream come true and click on the link. He isn't dying of a terminal disease (as far as I know and I really hope not, because he may be a bit soft, but he's a very nice man), but let's pretend he is, so that this can be like one of those occasions when everyone rallies round to send off postcards or autographs to some kid to get him in the Guinness Book of Records.
Personally I think the rest of the show is well worth listening to, but in this modern day world people maybe don't have the time to spend three hours on something, so it's maybe good to have our silly chat available in a nice fifteen minute chunk. Today's one was quite a good one, I think. Some Sundays the words don't seem to flow too readily from my mouth and after last night's poor gig and late night drive home through unrealistically long villages I wasn't too confident about being that lucid, but there's some fun stuff in it, if you are a puerile idiot (especially if you are one who wishes he had a podcast, but doesn't, so makes one out of string and tin cans).
Andrew is taking Christmas Eve off, so I am deputising for him again and will be presenting the whole show. Lucy Porter should be taking my place at the newspapers, though maybe she won't turn up like Russell Howard last time (ooh just given away a quiz answer there - too late for some of you), and 6Music will be so impressed with her unprofessionalism that they will give her her own show. You never know.
My nephew is upset as this means I will miss my family Christmas Eve tea, but if Christmas has a message, it is that one must put your career ahead of your family.
I fear I may be visited by three ghosts as a result of my ruthless ambition, but then again it would be quite cool to see some ghosts, especially if one of them is prepared to show me what the present day is like. The ghost of Christmas Present must be a bit pissed of with that, don't you think? His mates get the cool powers to be able to unveil the past and the future, but all he can do is reveal what is going on at the time you're in. I don't need a ghost to show me that, thanks very much. I can see that myself. Get lost Ghost of Christman Present and don't come back until you have a magic power, like maybe giving us the ability to see the present with X Ray vision, so we can see ladies's bras.

You know it's such a relief not to have to come up with a question at the end of all these entries. You have until Monday 4th December at 6pm to get your answers in. I will put the answers up tomorrow, but it might take me a little while to work out who has won. There's only been a dozen or so entries so far, but I want to make sure I get it right and things are a little busy for me at the moment.

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