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Saturday 31st August 2019


The village still buzzing with the events of last night and the High Street closed because there was a danger that the garage that was hit might fall down. The damage was surprisingly large in the light of day and it was even more impressive that this driver had been drunk enough to hit something that required a hard right turn on a straight road to get near. I had to go the long way round to get to my first Park Run in maybe six weeks. Me2 had been looking forward to breaking the 25 minute barrier on his next turn, which seemed possible in July, but sensibly today elected just to plod round assuming a loss of fitness over the Edinburgh Fringe.
He only just made it round within 30 minutes. But to be fair the threat of imminent death had meant I hadn't slept too well. It was good to have done some proper exercise though.
I came into London for a couple of podcasts. Firstly I was doing Tea With Alice with Alice Fraser, where we talked about the issues that have been turning over in mind recently, like my house nearly being blown up killing my entire family and whether consistency is really more admirable than changing your mind. It was a sprawling chat but Alice is fiercely intelligent,  but even more importantly opening to question her own ideals and I think I was pretty open about stuff that was befuddling me.
And tonight I went to King's Place to take part in a Guilty Feminist/RHLSTP crossover with guest Siobhan McSweeney from off of the brilliant Derry Girls. Deborah was keen to highlight how unlikely this mash-up was, as if my feminist credentials were not impeccable (even though I am on record as saying women should be treated as if they are equal). It was fun playing up to this idea in front of her slightly right on crowd, but I've listened to the podcast regularly and so know that whilst they are passionate and sincere about equality, they are also open to jokes about it. And Deborah is always keen that the right words and phrases are used, which might be annoying to some, but isn't really that bad a thing if you think about it, but she's also open to mockery and it's fun to turn the tables on her if she makes a semantic slip up herself. 
Anyway, I think I just about came out of it all OK and managed to almost always stay on the right side of the line, whilst pushing at stuff a little. And Siobhan was a great guest.
I'd foolishly come in on the train, having forgotten about how awful this service can be and how screwed you are if things go wrong. They did tonight with all the trains I needed cancelled and my car parked at a station that nothing was stopping at. Then we sent to platform 7 for a train that would get me close enough to get a taxi to my car, but the announcements on the train claimed it was not stopping where the board and the staff said it was and so at the last minute hundreds of us all forced on to this one train had to move to another. 
I ended up getting a taxi to my car with a theatre company manager who also had his car parked at the same station. I didn't get home until after midnight and wished that I had been killed in a gas explosion last night so I could have escaped this transport Hell.

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