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Tuesday 4th October 2016


Slightly better today, but still far from well. But the Herring family do not buckle. I took my snotty daughter to her Little Kickers football training today (she did get the week off last week when she was a bit more poorly). It's important to spread this illness to as many kids and parents as possible, to punish them for the sin of procreation (and the sin of being procreated). As usual Phoebe was mainly interested in doing her own thing and making a run for it. She was fascinated by a cut down tree in the park and was annoyed that I was taking her away from that to make her play with footballs. Until she was at the footballs and then she liked them more. The idiot.

Although I agree with her, a tree trunk with all rotten bits inside it is better than playing football. But it's nice to try and take in both.

It was exhausting for us both and we didn't quite make it to the end of the lesson, but I am glad we went. I am not going to let a virus take me down. 

In the afternoon we went to look at some more houses. We saw three places and unusually I really liked all of them and could see myself living in any of them. One was in London, one was in the countryside and one was in a town outside of London, all offering very different kinds of lifestyle and amenities. How on earth are you meant to make a decision of this importance? How does anyone ever move house? I've done it before but it was so long ago that I can't remember.

We'll probably just stay where we are for safety.

It was a draining day and we had an early night in the hope that the plague on our house might be lifted. York City, the terrible football team that I support, who've already had an appalling season and a half dropped to new depths by losing 6-1 to Guisley, the bottom club in the National League, who had not won a game yet all season. I think this might be the low point of my support for this team. At 4-1 the floodlights failed and I found myself praying that they wouldn't go back on again so that the match would be abandoned and the result wouldn't stand. I mean, that's a pretty bad sign when that's your only hope. I also wondered if they could do a Great Escape and manage to score loads of goals while the floodlights were out, maybe setting up some kind of similar system with a rope attached to the goal that the players could follow and walk the ball into the net (which I think is more or less their only hope). I am not sure why the club stuck with Jackie McNamara once York were relegated last season or why they have carried on with their backing of him over the last month or so. I think even Jeremy Corbyn must be looking at him and saying, “For Christ sake, resign mate, it's hopeless and embarrassing."

I just thank God I am more interested in rotten trees than football or I wouldn't be able to stand the humiliation.

But let's not wallow in the lows, let's remember the highs of the last 35 years of support for this club. I think I remember we drew a game one time. That was quite something.

You silly fuckers who support teams that are successful will never understand what it's like to be a true football fan. Constant degredation and disappointment.

Everyone I vote for loses,  I can't win TV quiz shows (or can I?), the only way I can get on TV is to make programmes myself and hope someone has a youtube app on their telly and my football team is literally the shittest on in the world. 

Hold on, am I just a loser?

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