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Saturday 4th July 2015


We were at a wedding celebration this afternoon. Phoebe is much more sociable than her curmudgeonly father. She loves meeting new people and charms them with a big smile, so that even people who (rightly) think babies are stupid can't resist a little chat. I hope she stays this friendly and unselfconscious. She has two of the most self-conscious parents in the world so I don't know where she gets it from. But I suppose self-consciousness is something we acquire when life crushes and disappoints you and your happy smiles are thrown back in your stupid face. So she's got all that to come. I hope you will keep smiling your way through life, girl. Don't let the grumpy bastards grind you down.    

Personally I am not too bothered about being sociable as long as I get to hand around with Phoebe. Though she gets a bit boring when she has a nap every couple of hours. But I was so tired I actually envied her that. I wonder if anyone provides a service where they will push an adult around everywhere in a  massive pram. I know that there are men who like to dress up as babies and smile themselves for sexual kicks, but I am not talking about that. Just to have someone who will push you around in a big pram and maybe change your nappy for you if you happen to soil yourself, but in a functional and non-sexual way. For me wee and poo is a sign that you should stop having sex. I reckon I'd be a lot more cheerful at parties if I could have a nap every two hours and wasn't anxious about queues at the toilets. I certainly would have been today. Though if people went for the non-sexual adult baby thing then pubs would probably need to add another bathroom for adult nappy-changing. I doubt there would be that much of a queue though.

The party was full of scientists and geeks, as we were celebrating the marriage of a couple of science-based geeks. One guest was wearing the infamous, blue/black white/gold dress that was doing the rounds on the internet a few months ago. It was definitely blue/black. Or was it? Can we trust our own perception. It was a good dress to wear to a party full of nerds, but I suspect the woman wearing it might have got a bit sick of having the conversation by the end of the day. No one got into conversation with me about my pink shirt and jeans combo, except for Robin Ince who congratulated me on being worse dressed than him. In his dreams. I was slightly better dressed than him.

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