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Saturday 5th December 2009

Day 5 of cohabitation and so far so very good. I have perhaps been a bit reluctant to share my home with someone, hence the decision to wait 42 and a half years to do so. I was worried I might feel crowded or hemmed in or not have my own space, but it hasn't worked out that way. I know it's early days and really you'll need to come back in fifty years, rather than 5 days, but now I've taken the plunge due solely to my defective dishwasher I am really enjoying it. Now I see why the whole cohabiting deal has been so popular amongst the human race for the last couple of hundred thousand years. It's pretty cool having someone you like around all the time. Like a character in a crappy American comedy I have come to discover that sharing your life properly with someone is more satisfactory than being a miserable and bitter lone wolf. Who'd have thunk it?
Let's see how it's going after ten days though. We're both on our best behaviour so far. Maybe ask someone else about it before you act based on what I am saying. Tiger Woods seems to have some issues with it. I can't feel too sorry for him. I never really liked the way he bullied that guy for not buying the razor that Woods had been paid to say was the best one.
Still not too much luck in getting ahead of myself with the penultimate AIOTM. Instead I managed to make some headway into the fourth season of Battlestar Galactica, which is really kicking into gear. My accidental discovery of who one of the skin job Cylons was is no longer an issue, as he or she has been revealed now as what he or she actually is. Annoying though that wikipedia pages aren't a bit more subtle about keeping spoilers well tagged and in the body of the text. If you start watching a series like this late then it's important you don't read ANYTHING about it until you've finished. Including this blog because I am going to tell you that the 12 cylons are.... ha ha, I am kidding. I will only give you spoilers on things that are crap and that you shouldn't watch. BSG is a cracker. Not as good as the Wire, which I have now seen four seasons of. Now my girlfriend is living here we're going to get through this show a lot quicker. That's the main advantage of cohabiting I'd say. You get your American box sets on tap. That's the main thing. Can't think of anything else. Because as it turns out I've done more washing up this week than in the rest of the year put together.

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