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Sunday 4th September 2005

I was back on the Andrew Collings show this afternoon and to be honest it felt like I had never been away - certainly not for four weeks. Edinburgh seems like some kind of dream. Some kind of expensive dream. Like the one had by Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall but less believable.
It was nice to get back into commenting on the rubbish and lazy journalism that fills most of our Sunday papers. The News of the World had a story headlined, "I sing to seal - admits Charles" in which it seemed to be claiming that Prince Charles not only chats with plants (the lunatic), but he also sings to seals. What a weirdo!
If you bothered to read to the end you would have found out that all he had said was that as a child when on walks with his grandma and sister they would sing to the seals. Which is different isn't it? A more accurate headline might have been ""I used to sing to seals when I was a child" says Charles."
That, of course is not quite as exciting or interesting a headline (and to be honest the story only made it to about page 35 as it was) and doesn't make our future monarch look like a mental as we expect this kind of behaviour from infants and far from frowning upon it, find it pleasurable and even encourage them to behave like mad people. The NOTW might as well have a headline saying ""I am unable to speak and can't control my own bodily functions" says (or maybe writes) Charles," because presumably there was a time when this was true. "I wear a nappy and sleep in a cot," says Charles. Though that one is actually true of him now as well.
I played poker for the rest of the day, hoping to win through to a tournament with hundreds of thousands of dollars up fro grabs, but I failed. I still turned in a small profit though. I am definitely getting better at this. But I will still write Warming Up when I am a millionaire, though I will be doing it wearing a suit made of gold, on a golden computer and will only type stuff when people put coins into my gigantic gold hat.

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