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Thursday 27th September 2018


It turns out that my drowsiness yesterday wasn't down to the Harry Potter play. I am a little bit ill. Not so ill that I couldn't drive into London at 8am and then work on the secret show all day and then drive home again, but ill enough that I had to lie down on the sofa for about an hour in the afternoon and shut my eyes. I don't think I actually fell asleep, but was drifting in and out of the conversation. I perked up a bit towards the end. But nothing makes you feel like an old man in a young man's game like practically falling asleep after five hours of “work”.
It's a shame that I was out of sorts as I wasn't a great deal of use today, but to be fair the writers room experience is quite a gruelling one and some days are better than others. I generally tend to do OK in the morning and then fade away a bit in the afternoon: obviously not always to the point where I am practically asleep.
It strikes me that a writers' room might be a fun sitcom setting in itself. But then it writers are always on the look out for new sitcom ideas, so it must have struck everyone else who writes sitcoms too and the fact that (to my knowledge) it has never happened must therefore mean that it's a terrible idea. Showbiz based and writer based sitcoms can often be a bit hokey (though Larry Sanders and Seinfeld both managed it with aplomb), but eight people getting together every day to talk about their lives, come up with funny stories and pitch sitcoms that aren't the sitcom they're doing (My personal favourite of this fortnight is â€œThe Horny Time Traveller”), whilst largely failing to do any work on the thing they're working on, seems like a possible winner. 
Won't happen obviously. 
My wife was out making podcasts whilst drunk, so I got home and got the kids to bed, before having another early night. But I keep waking up in the middle of the night and it's not the kids' fault any more. Would I fall asleep in the afternoon for the third day in a row?

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