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Friday 24th May 2019


The vomiting ended at about 3am, although things remained dicey at the other end for the rest of today. I was too lethargic and exhausted to get anything done, so I mainly stayed in bed and failed to do much prep work for the podcasts. But although I was a little worried I might not have recovered sufficiently to get to Salford tomorrow and had accepted that, at the very least, wasn't going to be able to do a Park Run in the morning, I was mainly pleased that it was another day of extreme dieting. I tried to keep my fluids up in the morning, but otherwise only ate some cereal and toast and my daily Solero, coming in about 1000 calories short of my dietary requirements. I mean is it OK to be delighted to be actually sick for your diet provided that you haven't deliberately tried to be sick.
Wolfie continued to be sick. She hardly had any of the steak and given she eats horse shit and dead frogs and I found her with a rabbit in her mouth that had been so long dead it looked like a flat bit of cardboard in a rabbit shape, I am surprised she's reacted so badly to a bit of not even past its sell-by-date gristle.
Luckily I was too sick to be expected to clear up her sick, so that's a win then!
I wasn't able to tune in to the May resignation as much as I would have liked to, though it's hard to enjoy her departure knowing that something worse is coming next. But maybe we need to hit rock bottom before we can start to climb out of this thing. I didn't think she'd ever go and it's pretty typical of the unflushable May that even in resignation she is staying on in the job for another two weeks. 
I foolishly hoped that on her election she might be a level-head to get us through Brexit rather than the other crazy pillocks she was up against. Ha! Now three years wasted and one of the crazy pillocks is going to get their go. Which maybe should have been the deal all along. Boris Johnson should have had to clear up his own mess. Now emboldened by time I think he might clear up that mess by just setting fire to everything else, so that comparatively the mess doesn't seem so bad.
May's reaction to Grenfell should have been the end of her. Living nearby at the time and being able to feel the anger in the air, it was astonishing how she failed to lead or even show any sympathy or emotion for what had happened. And today she cried for herself.
I don't know if we're sensible enough as a country to rescue ourselves now. I am far from convinced that a people's vote wouldn't create the worst possible Brexit and I think that a quick general election with Boris as PM, might deliver the majority he needs to push through whatever the fuck he likes - especially if he can do some deal with Farage.
But it's surely not possible that out of all the infinite universes we're living in the darkest timeline?
Good luck everyone.

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