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Friday 15th November 2019


To the town that spawned Andrew Collings (and still no officially apology), Northampton. Close enough to my house to use the electric car. It's a victory for the planet.
About 250 people in at the enormous and rather lovely Deco (where the Beatles played twice in 1963), but still better numbers than I'd have got for stand up and I was in competition with a couple of comedy shows at the Derngate. 
I took a walk up the High Street to get a sandwich and even at 5pm it was one of the most intimidating thoroughfares I've ever been down. And I've been to Aldershot. Street lamps were on but they seemed to suck in the light and the rainy evening was black as night, drunk men shouted from doorways, gloom hung over the city like a noxious fart and a ragbag of four Hare Krishnas, only one who could be bothered to dress up, sang about Hare Krishna in a manner reminiscent of a ghost of a Victorian urchin singing Ring a Roses.
I had a poor tuna panini from Costa and the packet of crisps I bought was stale and soft (they replaced them though).
The show was lots of fun though. The Reverend Richard Coles (who I'd bumped into on my way back from my disappointing sandwich) was in honest and garrulous form as he took us on the journey from excessive, speedboat losing pop star to dancing vicar. Steve Mcneil chatted about video games and Human Centipedes and the genius of Rob Sedgebeer (who made the site you're reading this on). 
Again I struggled a bit with the echo in the venue, so I am looking forward to listening back to this one to see what he actually said in places.
For once I have more than a week til the next one and a good opportunity to get some writing work done. 
Just three more chances to see RHLSTP in 2019

An incredible 35 people have bought tickets to see Me1 vs Me2 Snooker LIVE on 4th December.  It's too many to make it laughably empty, but too few to make it a smash,
Still leaves about 200 tickets to go. Don't miss out on this once in (a shortish) lifetime chance to see the sporting event of the millennium

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