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Sunday 8th December 2019


It's been a tough week of work, travel and coping with our youngest being ill. Back to being woken up five or six times a night and worrying about a distressed toddler. After a week it starts to wear you down, but we've had a good run of sleep so I can't complain.
We took the kids out for a disappointing Sunday lunch in a local pub that has recently changed management and isn't what it was. It was fun to hang out with the family though. We'd been singing some of the Muppet Christmas Carol in the car on the way there and Phoebe sang a bit solo which I filmed and sent to her grandparents. It was sung with gusto, though some improvisation in the tune and as impressive as it was, it made me laugh. “Daddy, why are you laughing at my beautiful singing?” Asked Phoebe deadpan. I told her that it was so good that it made me happy. Phew.
With the family home I went out in the tour car to get a Christmas Tree. I decided to get this one cleaned to and used the hand-wash service at the local garden centre where my vehicle was impressively hosed, soaped and buffed by a group or European men for just a tenner. They were getting through a good few cars together, but it still seemed like phenomenal value and they were very efficient and I didn't get trapped in them. So I think I will use them from now on. Unless Boris Johnson wins on Friday and sends them all home. Their dedication to doing a good job was the thing that impressed me most. They worked hard and worked efficiently and so obviously we don't want them in our country.
Choosing the Christmas tree on my own was a big responsibility but I think I got a decent one and got it home to my expectant family who seemed pleased with it. Phoebe loved decorating it and Ernie enjoyed hitting it with baubles. Christmas has begun for sure and the older kid is very excited and understands what's going on now and the younger one is bamboozled but can see that it's something exciting. I think this might be fun. If we can get some sleep. If not, it's going to be Hell on earth.

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