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Wednesday 11th March 2020


OK, my blog numbering has somehow gone all wrong again. According to the internet it's 2317 days since 25th November 2002 (and I don't have the capacity to work out if that makes this blog number 2317 or 2318- I suspect the latter but don't want to get presumptuous) and similarly it's 19237 days since I was born. So yesterday's numbers of 6293/19223 were way off. 
Any advanced mathematicians who can confirm this and give me the correct calculations. But I doubt there's a computer on the planet that can give me the correct answer on this.

The Corona Virus will not stop me stone clearing. In fact it will probably make me stone clear more as the field is the safest place in the world if you discount the chance of murder by the ftone ftafi. Anyway chapter 59 is now up here and there's a good bit about molting pugs for anyone who's not so much into the stone stuff.

Into town for a meeting. Would we shake hands or not? The first person I met did not, the second did and then someone else who I hadn't seen for a decade came into the room, shook my hand and then said he wasn't shaking hands. I told him he'd just shaken my hand and he realised that he had. So it's a tough habit to break. Will it lead to cancelled gigs and lock down.The jury seems to be out. I would certainly advise my 80 year old plus fans to avoid the theatres for now. But I can't work out if anything else is sensible or an overreaction. Having had a month more or less off and no gigs since December I am worried about giving up paid work. The last week of March sees me doing four RHLSTPs, two of them pretty lucrative ones, so I am on tenterhooks to see how things pan out. I am certainly not going to be cancelling anything just yet. My gigs are modest and you're currently safer in the Leicester Square Theatre than walking around in Leicester Square, so it would seem weird and arrogant even to think that me cancelling gigs would make any difference. But if I was old or had a medical condition or lived with anyone else in those demographics I would certainly be thinking about my own  choices. 
For the moment washing hands and being sensible about coughs and sneezes would seem to be enough of a precaution. And you'd think these would be precautions we were already doing. But we are scum. The panic buying seems crazy - as someone on Twitter pointed out, it's rather counter productive to buy all the soap, because you are going to catch this from others and if they don't have soap then you're much more likely to get it. The toilet roll fixation is even stranger. Maybe it's worth having some food in just in case. If you don't have any food you don't need to wipe your bum anyway. 
Some people are certainly panicking, whilst others are being far too blasé and seem convinced it will come to nothing or only affect people who are about to die anyway. It will be interesting to say which group looks more foolish in a month. We have been so lucky to live in this day and age that it's easy just to assume things will be OK, because they've always been OK, but if the hospitals are full and businesses are closed then we will have a lot more than the virus to worry about.
For the moment I am assuming everything is going ahead though. Wash your hands.

RHLSTP with Janice Connolly aka Barbara Nice is up on audio

But there's a lovely extra for people who watch the video so check it out afterwards

And great news. Tim Key will be my guest (along with Isy Suttie) on 23rd March Leicester Square Theatre gig. BOOK NOW 

Also monthly badgers - check out your members' area on where one of the guests for the Norwich RHLSTPs has been announced (not sure which one they will be doing yet).Become a monthly badger here for this and loads more benefits.

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