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Saturday 28th March 2020


My life was dull enough already before I was locked in my house for 23 hours and 15 minutes a day. Did no one think of the poor bloggers when they decided to put us on lock down?
No attempt to do school work or writing today (as it is apparently Saturday) and aside from my morning stone clear and a bottle of wine with the wife after 8pm, the rest of the day was spent with the kids, except for a 50 minute break where I had a go at playing Civ II on Twitch (enjoying using this futuristic platform to play something so retro). The game got off to a slow start and I am not sure I will play on with it. The thing with Civilisation is that if you commit to a game that you know you won't win, it's a long, long slide into despair. But a hundred or so people watched me play and some more people subscribed. The experiment seems to be working out. If only I had had Twitch in 1997 I could have made a fortune with the days and days of Civ II I played. Whole weekends, until 4 in the morning and then back to it as soon as I woke up. I would also have been safe from viruses too. I might not have even known that they happened.
We have made the fresh food we bought 10 days ago last until now, but we will need to take our first foray out into the disease ridden world tomorrow or Monday to see what is left on the shelves. I wonder if the people of Hitchin have turned feral yet. 
Today we had roast chicken (the mobile butcher is still coming into the village) and then my wife made soup with the carcass. Both meals were awesome and again it felt like a return to simpler times (and not in too Brexity a fashion). One of the first victims of the virus is the council's collection of food waste. We now have to put that in the regular bins. It feels deeply odd after all this time of fastidiously saving every scrap for the recycling bin, so it was good to use up as much of our waste as possible. All those carcasses thrown away without being turned into warming broth. Our grandparents would be shocked at our wastefulness. Wait til they saw all the other stuff we get up to. No wonder God sent a plague to make us reconsider our ways. He probably did it just to shut my grandad up.
The kids are exuberant and not too stir crazy, mainly playing nicely together. We are trying to keep them safe as a broken bone or bumped head might mean a hospital visit and I think we're approaching the point where non-viral patients will also start dying because there aren't enough staff.
But it feels like a lot longer than a week. In fact it's only 5 full days since we haven't had any visitors at all. Just when it felt like time was spiralling out of control, it has all slowed right down again.
But no snooker at weekends so that I can enjoy my evenings with my wife. We played games, drank wine, ate some crisps and watched Better Call Saul and the shark jumping sixth season opener of Brooklyn Nine Nine.
I am chubbing up quickly. And am hoping that next week I can pull myself together and find time to eat well and exercise and maybe stop the booze again. But imagine how slowly time will go then.
I should have been performing to 1100 people in Birmingham this afternoon and chatting with the legend that is Noddy Holder. The virus must be really enjoying wrecking my year after I'd so hubristically stated that 2020 was going to be a big turning point for me. If you want to make a virus laugh, tell it your plans.

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