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Friday 3rd July 2020


Surprise live-streamed stone-clear this morning. You can catch up here.

Nice to be back on the school run (though there's now only one week until the summer holidays) and I played I Spy with the kids as we drove Phoebe in this morning. The two year old can't really join in properly, but I like the fact that he still has a guess even though he doesn't know his letters yet. He has a great tactic of shouting things out as you're saying I Spy with my little eye, which makes sense, as the letter reveal will make no odds to him. His usual guess is poo, but to be fair, if I am doing the spying then that's quite a likely thing to come up.
He's 28 years old.
I am nearly 53 more sadly.
I had Ernie for the morning today, so we went into town to go to do some shopping. We briefly stopped off to get some money out of the bank and see what shops were open on the High Street. There were big queues outside all the banks and I was parked in a spot where I could only stay for 20 minutes, but it turned out the cashpoints had no queue at all, so I managed to get some cash. Not that we really need cash, but there's a couple of things in the village where it's not possible to pay by card.
We went into the health food shop and I bought some bags of nuts, seeds, beans and lentils. The lady seemed happy for me to have bought so much and after I'd paid offered me a free storage jar. It was a bit like the haggling scene in Life of Brian. I'd already paid and I was getting rewards, but I guess shopkeepers are keen to encourage people to return. It's a scary time for us all. I was concerned about theatres and art centres and stand up venues from the start and it seems those fears were justified as news is coming in of many places that are laying off staff or closing permanently. It feels like the government is happy to see the arts crash and burn (maybe because they are often critical of politicians or maybe because politicians are just frustrated performers who nobody likes), but the effect on the economy and the morale of the country will be huge. Just think of all the restaurants and bars that rely on the theatre crowd. 
At least everyone is back in the pubs from tomorrow at 6am, which should ensure the second lock-down and final nail in the coffin of any chance to get back into the theatres this year.

I talked to the delightful Nicola Meighan on the BBC Scotland afternoon show this afternoon. It was mainly about self-playing snooker and stone clearing, so they're definitely entering the mainstream. Fun chat though. You can listen here (about an hour in).

It's taken 16 weeks but finally we've arrived at the Motorcycle Clothing Shop sketch. Listen to another retro AIOTM here and find out what the people of the past didn't think was funny.

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