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Tuesday 7th July 2020


One of those stupidly long days where you get to tea-time and can't believe the stuff from the morning was the same day. It was, to be fair, mainly because I woke up at 4.30am and couldn't get back to sleep.
I'd dropped 0.7kg since yesterday, (and I didn't weigh myself on the first day of dieting so suspect I've lost more) but yes, we've been here before. The first days of easy and unrepresentative and it's all to do with water retention or something, but as long as it's moving in the right direction I am happy. I am mainly wanting to get back to the pre-lockdown weight for starters and I am a quarter of the way there.
I managed a spirited run (4km, 2km up hill, 2km down) with only a brief walk during the very steep bit near the start in 31mins and 30 seconds), a supermarket trip (I got the last box of Soleros, but that's only 3 days worth and only if my kids don't snaffle them - what will I do?), a tiny bit of work and then another trip to the zoo. 
We'd mainly gone back to the zoo so that Phoebe could climb on the tree that we'd said she couldn't climb on last time - we could have saved a lot of time and tears if we'd just reversed our parental proclamation, but sometimes you need to inconvenience everyone to make a point. And to be fair this is a great lockdown day out, as it's all outside and it's easy to keep away from people most of the time. And we'd let the kids bring their scooters this time, which was a master stroke. Until Ernie suddenly darted off in the direction of the road just as we were leaving - he just wanted to climb on the ZOO sign at the entrance, but it was a dicey moment that made us relive all the times we've nearly knobbled our kids. My worst one was when I had Ernie in the front facing sling, put some stuff in the car and then went to slam the boot. I can't remember why I slowed down (it wasn't because of him) but luckily I was able to realise his head was basically in the way, but had I gone with my slamming instinct… well I try not to think about it). 
We all got back alive though even though we'd been within metres of three huge tigers (they are much bigger than I realised) with only a huge fence to protect us.
It was a top afternoon and I was full of wonder seeing my daughter scooting around so confidently. Every now and again it strikes you how much they have grown and another string that ties them to your heart snaps, until they are free.
Food is so much more enjoyable when you're a bit hungry and haven't been grazing all day and even our shop bought pizza (with added sweet corn and onion) felt like a dish fit for a king. I'd usually have hoovered up the leftovers, but just ate my 350 calorie slice which just kept me inside my daily target (basically it was the equivalent of this morning's run).
It was over pizza that it felt impossible that this was the same day I'd been to the supermarket (even though that had happened late morning).
Lockdown has been good for Ernie and he seems to more or less have mastered potty training and tonight (after a good couple of weeks of dry night time nappies - except once) we risked a no nappy night time. This could be the end of nappies for us… at least for the three year period before I need them. So my delight at his achievement is joined by delight at maybe leaving this daily chore behind. I will miss it and this two year old when time clicks its fingers and transforms him into a confident and independent five year old.
They had so much fun in that tree. And another core memory is formed. The day we went to the zoo to play in a tree.

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