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Saturday 13th February 2021

I think the stupid people are going to (temporarily) win.  Ultimately they will lose, because of their stupidity, but it's easier to spread dumbass conspiracy theories and simplistic politics that appeals to the stupid, than it is to spread boring facts. And oh, look, the people who Trump nearly got killed are too scared of the stupid people to even convict their near murdered. So he'll get a second chance. Good sports one and all.
On the drive to Stevenage on the A1 I'd noticed someone had written "Earth is flat" on a sign post. Good of them to come to the middle of nowhere to spread the news to Hertfordshire drivers. Some would think we'd resolved this issue, but apparently not. I guess the horizon is just an illusion caused by our eyes not being able to see to Australia. It's good to be suspicious of what you're told, but disbelieving everything you are told is just as gullible as believing everything you're told. What I am saying is I reckon the Earth is not flat.
This week I've noticed that this graffito has itself been graffitied. A few lines have been added to the first two letters of the last word to reveal the more factual (though still not universally correct) "Earth is peat". It's a step in the right direction.
Shame about the senate, but at least we have some resistance to the flat earthers on the A1.

Zoom birthday party for my daughter this afternoon and I don't want to say Covid is a good thing, but it's kind of cool to have a 6 year old's birthday party with 15-20 guests and not have your home destroyed. Hard to believe that this time last year we were partying in a soft play, which might as well be a virus petri dish, but it's been a mind fuck year. I think the zoom thing worked well - there was dancing, games, quiz and the only weird thing was having a cake that we couldn't share with the guests.
But not a bad return for the young woman who was running the event. To be fair, aside from a bit early on where she accidentally muted herself, she earned her money and the kids all enthusiastically got involved with everything she asked them to do. I wondered how many more years these kids would be so keen to get involved before self-consciousness kicks in. My daughter was momentarily shy at the start of the event, but she soon got back to loving being the centre of attention. Sad.
But for any performers looking for a way to make money, hosting birthday parties, for adults as well as kids, might be a way through lockdown. This realisation may have come a little late, but a zoom party hosted by a comic with jokes, games and rudeness might have been a good business to set up. I wonder how much I could charge for a Twitch of Fun style party for my insane fans. Oh, never mind, I'll just keep doing the birthday wishes for free instead.

Some exciting international records coming up for RHLSTP. Connecting with Australia next week and America for two others and whatever planet Paxman is on too. All free to watch on Twitch or wait for the podcasts.

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