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Tuesday 20th April 2021


I so desperately want to be fully recovered that I am continuing as if nothing bad had happened to me. The 6km run on Saturday may have come a little bit too early for me. I felt pretty tired yesterday, but was more knocked out today and also feeling very mildly nauseous again. My wife told me to listen to my body, so I spent most of the day in bed. Then my body said I should eat half a big pack of Tyrells crisps. My wife was slightly put out when she got home because she had been looking forward to eating those crisps. I said that she'd told me to listen to my body, so it was her fault there were no crisps. And she had to admit that it was.
Then my body told me that I had to go dogging. And my wife again had to admit that this was her fault and gave me her blessing.
If my life has taught me anything it is never to listen to my body. It gets me into all kinds of trouble.
My body also told me to go ahead with the snooker tonight, which was probably the biggest mistake, though I am sure it was fun to watch me struggle through.
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It's a pretty bad one, even by the low standards of this project.

Oh and I got obsessed with Scott Seiss and his TikTok videos. Bears many rewatches and is funny (if not funnier) every time. Enjoy.

I listened to the Kate Thornton Drunk Women Solving Crime on my dog walk tonight,  in which Kate tells an extraordinary true life crime about a strange man who had convinced a lawyer that Kate had had his baby (even though at the time she had no kids) which had prompted the lawyer to assign a private detective to find out her address (they found out her then boyfriend's address, so had clearly been following her) and then sent her a legal letter saying she had to give the client access to his child. Apparently there is nothing the police could do, even to reveal the name of the disturbed person who had made this ridiculous accusation, which seems unbelievable, given that that person now had Kate's address. What I found almost as astonishing was that the private detective was able to find Kate's living arrangements, but wasn't good enough at their job to not notice that she didn't have a kid. I could have told you that from sitting at home and watching her never being pregnant on TV. It's a fascinating and slightly terrifying story and another example of the law seemingly protecting men, but not women. Surely Private Eyes have to check their customer isn't a stalker or a violent ex-partner before finding out women's addresses. And surely lawyers should be able to work out that someone claiming to have a child with a TV star might be a fantasist.
Great podcast from the drunk women as usual. Give it a listen. The extra downloads  will help my wife get over the whole crisp incident. 

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