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Friday 9th July 2021


Wolfie is moulting at the moment and it's giving me a little insight into what it would be like to be a sheep shearer. Admittedly it's only a tiny insight, but I am taking a brush on our walks and trying to get as much fur off her as I can whilst we are outside and I can pretend I am shearing her. Or occasionally I can find out what it's like to pluck chickens. Except I am not plucking a dead bird, but a living dog.
Just let me have this.
I like releasing the fur into the wild and fancy that some mouse or robin is going to take the discarded dog coat away to build nests or feed their children. Hopefully not the latter as I think even mouse kids would turn their nose up at eating dog fur, but whatever, it's the circle of life and more importantly the detritus is outside rather than on my carpet and furniture.
However much I brush the dog though there is always more fur to come off and the next brush always seems to contain as much hair as the last. I reckon I could have made another dog by now. Maybe this is where new dogs come from.

I was feeling a bit less exhausted today, but had a personal training session this morning, which was quite tough and I fell asleep again in the afternoon. It's hard to know whether I am overdoing it or if this is just later middle age. A little afternoon nap might become the new normal. I managed to write a few more lines of the script and do some podcast records so it didn't feel like a wasted day. 
I had been hoping I might hit my next target of 83kg by my birthday as I was losing about 0.1kg a day for a while, but this week things have juddered to a halt and fluctuated a bit and I am about half a kilo heavier than I was last Friday up to about 84.7kg. But that's all cool. I know that this is how it goes and I haven't done anything wrong (I ate a bit of bread this week, but I don't think it can be just that). It's still a crazily successful weight loss so far and I am in for the long haul. I haven't had a chance to row all week and that might be why things were going so well. But I should be able to pick up the exercise again at the weekend.  And if I am under 83kg by my 55th birthday (if any) that will be the real test!

The first three RHLSTPs at the Leicester Square Theatre have now sold out (though worth  putting your name on the waiting list as I suspect a few of the tickets transferred from March 2020 will become available). Tickets for the remaining dates here.

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