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Sunday 23rd June 2024

The hotel took the broken lamp very well and thanked me for being honest enough to admit I'd broken it (but it would be a hard crime to pin on someone else - I guess most people just walk away and assume they won't be tracked down). To be fair it was a poorly positioned lamp, right next to some very hard to close curtains.
Last night in cursed Ipswich, I also thought I'd lost my credit cards. I keep them in a small credit card wallet and it sometimes slips out of my pocket unnoticed and I worried it had fallen out when I was checking my phone as I walked to the theatre last night. It wasn't in the hotel room when I got back, but I decided to check the car first. Unfortunately Bollings had had to park the car some distance away as the hotel car park was full, so I had to find the car first. Which took some time. The wallet didn't seem to be there, so I thought I'd have to retrace my steps to the theatre and then, in all likelihood cancel all my cards. I wasn't sure which cards I'd brought with me, so I'd have to cancel everything.
I was just about to start the late night walk through Ipswich (which seemed like a recipe for death and disaster). Luckily I spotted the wallet lodged between the back seats. A bit of luck in Ipswich after a good (if interrupted) show. Could the curse be lifting?
It was a very quick drive home (if we hadn't had 12 hours of driving over the last two days I suspect we'd have headed home last night) and I was in time to join the family for lunch at the in-laws. I thought I'd be too late for that and get the afternoon to myself, but it was better to spend time with my family. I played volley ball with a space hopper with Phoebe (as you do - it was a light space hopper but still not ideal for the sport and we had no net, but we still had fun), but it was probably a bit too much and I briefly fell asleep after lunch. But rallied for some football.
Catie had a gig - how dare she leave me to look after the kids on my own? - so I took the kids for a pizza and then watched the football. Phoebe wanted Hungary to win. As the King of Edinburgh I am ashamed by her duplicity, but it was also cool to be on opposing sides for this exciting match. She didn't seem too perturbed when one of the Hungarians got seriously injured, but she didn't really understand the implications of what was going on and she was delighted by the last minute goal (we'd also just bet 5p that our team would score).
Nice to be back with these idiots and not spying on a moment of their lives on a Ring doorbell.

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