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Monday 12th November 2007

The great thing about doing two records of TWTTIN in one night is that we are now two thirds of the way through the series! I managed to get the scripts done yesterday evening and it turned out to be a worryingly easy day today. We did a bit of work on a sketch Danny had done and made some cuts in the morning, but everything was remarkably stress free. In fact we had finished the rehearsals on mike by 5.30, a full two hours before the recording began, which has never happened before, when we usually just about the rehearsal done as we are letting in the audience.
I was worried the show would suffer from this two hour lay off and the lack of adrenalin, but both of them seemed to go fine, though the audience were a little reserved to start with. We rushed through things a bit, and both show came in at 20 seconds short. Though Damien in the band suggested we just slow everything down a tiny bit on the tape so that the full time would be filled, we are in the fortunate position that we can do a bit of work for both shows at the next record on December 3rd, so I can do a couple of extra jokes for us to slot in and we should be fine.
The best moment came in a discussion about Hitler being on Scoobey Doo, where Dan Tetsell in the character of a man with a rubbish sense of humour was meant to say as Hitler "I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you pesky meddling kids!" Unfortunately in the German accent and the heat of the moment he accidentally substituted the final word for the rather more offensive word "Yids". It wasn't a deliberate act. It just came out wrong, but the recording broke down for a while as everyone laughed at this awful error and Dan clapped his hand over his mouth and apologised. Though in some ways it is almost a funnier joke, it will, of course, not make it to the air. Well I very much doubt it.
It also led to a funny heckle, as this mistake had happened in show 3 which goes out the week of the 10th December. We then recorded show 4, which due to a Christmas break will go out at the beginning of January. As we did retakes for show 4, Emma started taking the piss out of Dan, who the audience sympathised with - "Don't feel sorry for him - you can't have forgotten the whole "yids" debacle. A voice pipped up from the audience, "Get over it. That happened three weeks ago!" It was that rare thing, a well-timed and witty heckle.
So anyway, it was a relief to get through another couple of shows, even if we're 40 seconds short at the moment.

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