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Monday 3rd August 2009

This little calm before the storm is one of my favourite times at the Fringe. Or at least has become so in the last three or four years. I am in Edinburgh, yet have not yet crossed Princes Street and joined the madness. The Fringe might not even be happening. Perhaps it has been called off because of Swine Flu. I would never know, because, as yet I am not a part of it.
Instead I am relaxing and enjoying not having to do gigs for the first time in months (when was the last time I had three nights in a row without a performance? I really don't know) and treating Edinburgh like a slightly unhealthy health spa.
I managed a good hour of exercise at the gym this afternoon and also walked the couple of miles to my car and back just to check I hadn't got a ticket (I hadn't), all of which helped add to the calmness and contentment that I haven't felt for a while and which let's face it I am unlikely to feel again after tomorrow.
I also idly checked the Underbelly website to see how tickets were going and was amazed and delighted to see that Hitler Moustache is already sold out for Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday. These are the half price or two for one days, but I have never been in a position where I have sold out so many shows with days to go. It seems the Guardian articles might have been helpful, though I know that it was selling well before all that happened. Last year the first week had been a little bit slow and then if memory serves me right it sold pretty consistently (I only sold 105 tickets for the first preview for example) so this augurs well. If you are coming but haven't bought your tickets yet then it would be advisable to book ahead. Let's just hope all the tickets didn't go to racists who only read the first Guardian article.
It all rumbled on today with the readers' editor attempting to sum up the affair in a balanced way - and even now, one of the people who comments seems convinced that I dress up as Hitler). Also people in California (via Sunday Mail I presume) are being told I have blundered into racist territory. Incredible how these things can spread and another example of how when misinformation is out there it is hard to stamp out.
In equally good news the Collings and Herrin Live podcast is sold out for the Saturday and Sunday performances which are almost three weeks away. It seems highly likely that the other three will sell out too, so book early and book often if you want to see it. You can, of course, listen to that one for free at home, but it won't be the same as being there and then getting to come for a Tempting Tattie afterwards!
It's all shaping up very nicely. And it's only taken 18 fucking Fringes for me to get to this point. Be interesting to see how my show sells now all the cheapskate tickets have gone!

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