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Thursday 2nd September 2010

It took me a little while for my brain to shift from Edinburgh mode to London writing mode, but finally starting to get somewhere with the first Radio 4 script, though spent most of the day trying to think of a new title as I think the one I had "Richard Herring Objects" will get annoying pretty quickly. It's also a pun that maybe works written down but not said out loud and which might be more trouble than it's worth. Leading the race at the moment, due mainly to the other ideas being too shit, is "Richard Herring's Objective" which I quite like, despite its similarity to the original one. The pun at least works said out loud (I am being objective and I have an objective - which is also about objects so it's a double-layered gag) and more closely describes what the programme is about. As I feared the biggest difficulty with this first show is getting a 90 minute tour show into a 28 minute radio show and hopefully creating some new content along the way. It will be amazing if the passion and opinion of the stand up show manages to make it onto Radio 4, but it's hard to tell the full story in such a short time. I am excited about giving it a go though. And it suddenly feels like a real thing, which in the maelstrom of Edinburgh it didn't. I am trying to prevent myself from thinking about how hard it will be to write another 3 shows from scratch in the next four weeks... oh damn. I just thought about it. At least I will be unlikely to have an hour + of stuff to cut out.
Tickets for the last two shows are now available. You can apply here. Alas I can't live up to their presumptuous guarantee that there will be swearing.
All afternoon I had to contend with my BT Broadband slowing down to a standstill again. It's been like this for the last two weeks apparently, but my girlfriend has battled through (or gone to cafes when she has something important to get done). It really is unbelievable how bad my connection has been over the last few months. I would be surprised if I have had a total of two weeks since May when its been working as well as it should (and as well as it does for the bloke from My Family in the adverts). It's actually getting rather wearing to have to keep ringing them up and getting it sorted out (after a few days), only for it to go wrong again after the shortest period of grace. I didn't have time to get on the phone today, so just complained on Twitter (whilst putting @btcare in so that the remarks would hopefully register somewhere) and then thanks to someone sending me the email addresses of some of the BT bigwigs, by dropping them a message about how dissatisfied I was. I would strongly advise you not to go with BT for your broadband service (and it seems many others feel the same) and am massively regretting signing up for an 18 month contract in the middle of the first problems I had with them (I think I thought that a new hub might solve all the issues - I am a wassock). Apparently I have a pretty strong claim to get out of the contract due to their failure to provide the expensive service that I am paying for. Maybe all providers are this shit, but not according to most of the tweets I have been getting. It's a shame. An old-fashioned part of me really wants BT to be the best. But I will keep you updated, like I am a slightly self-obsessed and self-serving episode of Watchdog.

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