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Saturday 25th June 2005

Some sterling work by humble Dave Taylor and we managed to sort out the powerpoint presentation for Abergavenny. The only clip that I had failed to rescue from the Poseidon (now sunk without trace) was the actual parachute jump and luckily Dave had a slightly inferior quality copy of this.
Around about 70 people turned up to see this penultimate performance of this and they were a good and largely unshockable crowd. The show steadily improves and I am particularly going to miss doing the Argos baby bit. Even though I have the dead baby pie as some kind of compensation, it's not as good. I particularly enjoy trying to defend myself afterwards explaining that I am satirising Argos and that if I had a baby I would try and keep it alive with oxygen and love, and if it died I wouldn't write anything on it, not even "This is sad", I would just bury it with a ceremony. Today I added, "I wouldn't even write on a living baby. I am a nice person."
I almost messed up on the list of the 50 dates tonight, for the first time since I did the previews for the show. I lost my place and nearly jumped back a week, but managed to recover it. In fact it just makes the whole thing look more difficult and thus impressive. I should have done it every time. Too late now.
I am sad that it's nearing its end, as I am still having fun with the show and still finding new jokes and new ways of doing things. And I do regret the fact that so few people are ending up seeing it, especially now that it has really found its feet, but it's an odd little show and I don't suppose I could ever really have hoped for anything more.
There's one last chance to see the show in Cheltenham next month. It's worth travelling to see, I promise you!
Still, it will be nice to concentrate on the yoghurt show now. And there's only six months left to Christmas.
There's so much to be positive about.

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