Evening News menage a un review

Richard Herring - Menage à Un

RICHARD HERRING thinks Steve Martin is more evil than Maxine Carr, that foreigners should be deported, and he wants to stab women. No, of course he doesn't, those are the horrible conclusions of the twisted logic and deep love of pedantry that power his show.

The results are often extremely funny, occasionally painful. "I have to live with this brain, you only have to sit there and look mildly amused," he says.

Herring's stock-in-trade has been good-humoured invective, about people and things that are just ill-considered or plain wrong, masked as righteous indignation.

It's not fully stand-up, as it's a heavily scripted show with little audience interaction, yet it tests the boundaries well and, with practice, it's bound to get funnier.