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Tuesday 1st July 2003

Started today with good intentions of working and going to the gym, but I was woken by the postman (ringing on the doorbell, he didn't nudge me awake after a night of hot post-based action and anyone who says he did is lying- and if that did happen then I'd be the postman not the letter-box) who delivered me my desktop broadband connection box.
Of course the rest of the day immediately evaporated into nothing as I tried to figure out how to make it work and then surfed the information super high-wave.
Far from going to the gym I didn't actually change out of my dressing gown all day.
I fear I may never work again. Or go out of the house. This is a step backwards for my resolution to make more of my life.

But Broadband truly is sensational, if only because it allows constant internet access without having to worry about the phone bill. So you can flip from site to site without a care in the world.
I even found one page where you can look at ladies who are almost totally bare. Incredible.
I feel that the warming up section of this website will become a bit dull (what do you mean "More dull"?) after this foolhardy purchase(not because of the bare ladies...well all right, not JUST because of the bare ladies) as I will no longer be experiencing anything in the real world.
Though who is to say that it is not the "real" world that is imaginary and the internet that is reality?

Anyone who does say that is wrong. Reality is the real thing. There's a clue in the name. So stop playing on your computer and go out into the open air and experience some life, because all too soon you will be a mixture of mulch and bone festering in your grave.
After today I feel like that already.
And my dressing-gown is my crusty shroud.

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