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Friday 13th June 2008

We managed to get through the whole of the 17th Collings and Herring podcast without scaredy pants, woolly liberal Collings even mentioning the fact it was Friday 13th. Secretly he must have been quaking in his three quarter length trousers. He's been stopped and searched again by the police, which I am delighted about. Not only do I think that there is a chance that he might be in some kind of sleeper cell, having built up a brilliant cover story of being a 1983 loving, oatmilk quaffing journalist with a hat covered in beans, but also I just think it's funny for him to be inconvenienced and have a succession of policemen writing down slightly rude descriptions of his physical appearance. So if you are a policeman and see him in the street, then please stop and search him. Hopefully we can either make him so angry that he becomes right wing, or that constantly being accused of being a terrorist will make him think he might as well be one and will make a wheat-free bomb.
Some people believe, Andrew, that if you do a terrorist atrocity, then you get sent to a Heaven where 72 ducks will kiss you for all eternity.
That should do it.
I think it was a good podcast though. I enjoyed it anyway, which is the important thing.

I don't really look too much at my myspace page any more. I am not sure anyone does. But what I am quite enjoying when I go there involves trying to spot which friend requests are spam. To be honest, nearly all of them are now, but it's good to see that the spammers still try. Basically one has to be suspicious of any request which comes from a woman, as if you click on the link it will take you to a rather unsavoury page saying "Hey, wanna get laid tonite?" - not by someone who can't even spell tonight, thanks for offering. The game I play is trying to determine whether the woman asking me is a real woman or a spam woman. Most of them are pretty easy to spot, because they have photos that are rather too glamorous and provocative to be real profile pics. And I just press the spam button immediately But occasionally the spammers are a bit cleverer and the picture is of someone normal who one might actually know. I like trying to guess if the person is a real friend or fan or if I have been hoodwinked and will just be asked if I wanna get laid tonite. If the spammers trick me then I am secretly quite impressed. Today, and this might be a step towards a new feminist direction for the spammers, the picture was of a girl who was a little plain, even frumpy. I almost accepted her immediately without checking as I thought there was no way she would be spam bait. Perhaps I am the sexist one. Plain, frumpy women want to get laid tonite, just as much as hot, slutty, half-dressed ones. Perhaps moreso.
Anyway, if you wanna get laid tonite, then maybe you can investigate the site further. Though it seems suspicious to me that every girl leads back to the same page and I suspect that none of the girls actually wanna get laid tonite or any other nite. At least not by you or me.
If you wanna get laid tonite, then I would suggest going out into the real world and talking to some actual people and seeing how you go. But whatever rings your bell.

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