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Friday 15th July 2016


So it begins. Filming on the new series of AIOTM began and predictably I didn't get through the day without having sex with a toaster. It wasn't for the sketch. I just have a complicated rider now I am (sort of) back on telly. 

I was working with some of the people from the short film “While You Were Away” (which is still doing well and will be featured in a couple more big short film festivals soon) including the director Ben Mallaby and the actor Rachel Stubbins who would once again be playing my wife, though my actual one this time, rather than a fictional one (or technically I suppose a fictional version of the real one). And there was a keen and professional young crew who were a pleasure to work with. How amazing the future is where it is possible to do this at relatively low expense.

I was pretty tired as always but had luckily written a script that mainly involved sitting down (when I wasn't having sex with kitchen gadgets). It was a full day of work though, but it flew by and in the end we have maybe three quarters of the sketch done. But we can't film the end anyway as we need a very complicated prop (I wonder if you can guess what it is), but as I plan to make this a running sketch that's OK. We will pick it all up later. It's a good feeling to have started and also to see what is possible to achieve if you just get on with it yourself (albeit with a huge amount of help from thousands of kind strangers). It's all pretty mind-blowing really.

And I even managed to get my arse out in one scene, meaning my buttocks have appeared on film at least once in each of the last three decades. It's like Cliff Richard getting number ones. It's not the full bum, but it's enough for bum fans to get a good idea of what my bum looks like. And it means any students of bodily decay can now make a video flick book of my gradually sagging buttocks. I don't know who keeps writing these scripts where I have to take my clothes off, but…. oh, right. It's always been me. Weirdo. 

Anyway, I think we did a good job. I think it will be 2017 before you see the full versions of what we're going to have for you. But you can come and see the recordings of the studio bits from September 

One of the guests for the final RHLSTP of the series has now been booked. Joining me on 25th July will be comedian, actor, broadcaster and Welsh football mascot Elis James. Buy your tickets here. There is still one ticket left for Russell Kane and Tim Minchin on the 18th (and do contact the theatre for returns - I think another half dozen will become available on the day)

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