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Thursday 15th July 2021


I had a day in London today acting as a “programme consultant” which actually meant just hanging out with a pal and chucking around half-formed ideas for jokes and turning them into jokes. We laughed a lot and it was actually a very welcome break from sitting alone in my office failing to write anything. On the trip in and back I probably had more ideas for the sitcom than I'd have had at home, but it was a tonic just to get out and meet someone I hadn't created with my penis (as far as I know). There was gossip and venting and the fun of making inappropriate jokes that could never be used on TV. 
Public transport wasn't too busy, even when I went home at rush hour. Most people still seemed to be wearing masks. On the tube journey in the morning there were 7 people wearing masks and 6 not wearing masks, but 3 of those were a family talking in sign language to each other and I suspect they had dispensation to be maskless (or at least felt it was justified as they were away from everyone else and it must be hard to communicate with a deaf youngster if your face is covered). In a fuller carriage on the way home I only saw two men without a mask. Their choice I guess, though the consequences might impact on others. I had a Homer Simpson mask, which made it appear I had the mouth and nose of the yellow-faced buffoon. I imagined being attacked by a knife wielding terrorist whilst wearing this and wondered if it might make them stop and laugh and feel foolish for killing someone wearing something so stupid. Or if it would give the emergency services a little sardonic chuckle as they found my corpse. It would be hard to die with dignity if that's how you went out.
Sadly the terrorists were having a day off and so we didn't find out.
It had been a pretty full day and I hadn't had any time for any prep beyond sticking up a background and a couple of photos on the train journey home, but after getting home, saying good night to the kids, having my dinner and giving the wife a lateral flow Covid test, I went upstairs to do an anniversary edition of Twitch of Fun. I had no idea what was going to happen, beyond a couple of inserts and the idea that I'd talk to the puppets about what a year it had been. I couldn't find Dragon Boneman (who also works as one of my children's toys), but most of the others got a look in and the show was (this time at least) possibly better for being totally improvised. I thought I might be too tired to come up with anything, but was actually just tired enough to let the stream of consciousness flow. I am probably taking a few weeks off from it, but will do my best to return regularly in September. I think it's a properly interesting, inventive and funny show. I wonder how many years I will have to do it for anyone else to start agreeing. All I am saying is I've been playing snooker against myself for a decade and that hasn't hit that point yet.
It will be up as a podcast and on YouTube on Friday. There's some good surprises and a beautiful tribute to those that have fallen this year.
I then recorded a read for my podcast before administering my own Covid test (so that I can attend my daughter's sports day), making it a long day of work. If you can call messing around with a friend and then talking to myself for an hour “work”. Which I don' think you really can.

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