As a result of being mistaken for a tramp by a tramp, I decided to smarten myself up a bit today, so I went shopping. I bought myself some new trainers and some new jeans. I put them on in the changing room at Gap and immediately felt much better and less like a vagrant. So I thought I might try and complete the job and get my hair cut.
I had to wait for an appointment, so went and did more shopping, spending some birthday money on some unnecessary luxuries, but it felt fun going out and splurging out, even if my new trainers were slightly rubbing on my feet.
I had that rare thing, an unchatty hairdresser, who didn't say anything except to ask me what I wanted doing and then got on with it. This was good. I was hungover (of course) after not realising that four large glasses of wine are actually a large volume of wine. You have to take into account the size of the glass.
With my hair smartened up and my trousers unraggedy and my new shoes on I felt like a new man. A friend texted me to tell me I had a great review in the Evening Standard - which even though I am not reading my reviews, I did have to look up on the internet. It was indeed
pretty good. Bruce Dessau had been in on Monday, and even though he clearly thinks it's my best show ever I still didn't manage the magic five stars! But it's still a great boost for the upcoming London run. It is illustrates my point though, as Dessau saw possibly the worst ever performance of menage a un and one of the best performances of Fuck and so to him it must have seemed I have come on massively since January. But at the BAC gig he reviewed there was hardly anyone in and I hadn't done the show for two months, so it's all about luck. And this time I was lucky that he saw a great one.
Though tonight was even better. It was another sell-out and there was a real atmosphere of positive expectation from the start and the audience just went with me and we all seemed to have the best of times. My sister was in too, which was gratifying, though she said there was a woman on her row who looked miserable throughout and didn't crack a smile, just proving that you can't please everyone. But the show is now really up on its feet and I am loving doing it, and even though I had to put it together so quickly I think it is now definitely vying for being one of the best shows I have done here. I am certainly enjoying the Fringe more than ever, after a very enjoyable one last year. Life isn't so bad. Even if I am old and over the hill!