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Tuesday 16th August 2005

It was my day off today and I had my first proper hangover of the Fringe. I had possibly imbibed a little too much white wine last night, doubtless because of all the excitement with the video camera incident. ItÂ’s pretty remarkable that I have got this far through with my brain unscathed by alcoholic excess, though it at least demonstrates how boring I have got in my old age.
My leg was feeling much better – the match got a write-up in Fest and though I was wrongly accused of coming off because I was tired (I was injured guys – typical lying journalists), they did call me fantastic (they don’t always lie of course. I will be using the quote on next year’s posters – no-one will ever know they were talking about my footballing skills!. Or rather my footballing stupidity) – so I decided to try and overcome my hangover with a swim. I walked to the gym, passing a road sign that I thought said “Hangover Street” which seemed odd but appropriate. A second look revealed it as “Hanover St” which makes less sense in some ways. I don’t think the street leads to Hanover, but almost every thoroughfare in Edinburgh leads to a hangover.
The swim took a bit of the edge off things, but I thought IÂ’d take a day off from the festival so spent the afternoon in Starbucks playing poker on the internet (winning a modest amount of money).
Then a night in front of the telly, which was much better than catching a groundbreaking bit of theatre at the UK’s top arts festival. I saw a programme about light. What could be better than that. It’s actually been ages since I’ve had a night in on my own watching telly (thanks to all the gigs I’ve been doing lately) and it was a rare pleasure and an oasis of calm from this crazy city. I played some more poker and lost my modest winnings. Hopefully I will be rested and ready for the restart of the madness tomorrow. Half way through now – still a long way to go, but I am not as ill or as tired as I would usually be at this stage and I am still looking forward to the remaining thirteen performances. Hope you can make it along to one of them if you haven’t seen it already.
Or you could just stay in and watch telly.
ThatÂ’s my main festival recommend so far!

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