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Friday 16th August 2019


I'd gone to bed at around 9pm last night and Ernie didn't wake up til 6.15am, so I got an incredible 9 hours sleep in one night and felt incredible.

The long walk down to the venue has taken on the inevitable feel of Groundhog Day as I go out at roughly the same time each day and pass people who are also stuck in this weird festival routine. There is a busker on the meadows and maybe he only has one song, but he has been singing it on the last three times I've passed him. It's about how he really hates busking, which is a bold choice both in terms of the heckling possibilities and the fact that people might not pay him in the hope that he can leave behind his cursed job. He'd said hello to me yesterday and I winked at him as I passed today and he told me that this was his best-paying song, so the reverse psychology works. Though if I were Phil Connor and had to pass him daily I think this might be one of the things that flipped me over the edge. Luckily I only have to do this another 8 times and the busker seems like a decent guy so I almost certainly won't punch him.

My guests today were Bryony Kimmings and Arabella Weir, both of him were enjoyably open and Bryony wasn't as intimidating as I had feared she might be. To hear how things went and if anyone walked out in disgust, tune in here

Tickets for Bryony here

Tickets for Arabella here  

I was dashing off after the show to go and see Wallace and Gromit's Musical Marvels. After the debacle of George Square I was super careful to check that I was going to the right place. One of my Aardman contacts had sorted us comps so I didn't have tickets, but I googled the show and the site I looked at gave the address as the Pleasance. It was only when I went to pick up my tickets that I discovered that not only were there no comps, but I was once again on the wrong side of town. Indeed if you clicked on the link on the page I'd found it did say that the gig was at the EICC. Which was much closer to my venue. How could I have made this mistake. I had 15 minutes to get there and my family were still on their way to the Pleasance, so I jumped in a cab, picked them up, got stuck in traffic, arrived at the venue, bought tickets and got in 15 minutes late. Remarkably my wife was not annoyed with me at all. And we ended up on the reserved seats at the back which gave us loads of leg room and allowed Ernie to make a nuisance of himself dancing around and running up and down. And we still got to enjoy the majority of a lovely show which mixed a live orchestra with animations from the brilliant Aardman team, plus a showing of the Wrong Trousers. It was aces.

I'd had to buy my own tickets, but I think this was probably Aardman justifiably hitting me up for the interest from me shoplifting that Creature Comforts video, so I'll take it on the chin.

Even with 9 hours sleep my brain doesn't work, so I am assuming these are my last few months before senility kicks in. It's been a fun ride up to here. I will miss you all. But I'll keep blogging. Imagine how awful it's going to be.

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