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Thursday 17th December 2009

Thursday 17th December 2009

The Bloomsbury gigs continue to be lots of fun and are the perfect opportunity for me to work up my childhood stories into a tight routine. I am finding new bits and pieces to add to them each night, but also managing to stick exactly to my 7 minute time slot.
It's turning into a bit of a routine though and it's a little weird to be in the same place every night with a similar group of people.
The journey home is becoming a bit like a commute, passing the same landmarks and doing the same route. Each night on Shepherd's Bush Grey I pass a row of bus stop adverts for Armani Code, with the tag line "The Secret Code of Women". I can't help thinking that orchestrating an advertising campaign about that has rather blown the secret. Women must be hopping mad to have their secret code revealed, but as a man I am delighted to know about it. They won't be able to keep their secrets from us any more, now we know their code, hey guys! It's Armani. That's the code. Ha ha ha. Cheg on women, you am all twarts.
I presume the code is that one where you write Armani followed by all the letters that aren't in Armani in alphabetical order (ie ARMANIBCDEFGHJKLOPQSTUVWXYZ) and then write the numbers 1 - 26 under each letter. So A=1 R=2 M=3 (ignore the repeated A, unless you want to get tricky and make every other A=4) N=4 and so on. So you can then change a worded message into a series of letters. So that's the code, boys. All the mystery of womanhood shall be revealed to us with that. What a basic mistake to publicise it like that. Almost like it's a trap.
Surely women couldn't be so tricksy? Not in my experience.
There are now some extra AIOTM T shirts up on the mysoti site and on Friday you should be able to download my Carpool with Robert Llewylen either from iTunes or you can view it here.

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